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It's me again💋hope you all are doing great?❤️

Who can guess how tall Orian is??

Amara's pov.

He dropped Fiona with Grace, she had fallen asleep again and it was like she only woke up because cause she sensed him in the house. I played with the puppy Orian a bit and made sure she was okay before leaving her behind and going with Orian out of the house.

We got out and he led me to the other buildings in the compound which served as houses for the orphans.

As we got in through the big oak doors, I could already tell that a lot was invested to build the place. Its interior was like that of a typical manor with a huge living room that had comfy low cushions in it, because of the kids.

I walked around the living room admiring the designs and the way it was arranged. There was an entrance on one end that led to a smaller room where the television was placed. I could see the toys scattered all over the place and the Television was left on, kids. And again, how did Orian get technology all the way here?

The fireplace still had embers burning and above the fireplace was a huge portrait that caught my attention.

I walked up to it and smiled.

This was the first time I had seen Orian in a picture, he didn't let me take any of him back at Greenwich nor did I see the ones we took at the photo booth, and I knew why now, his deceit would have been exposed through the pics.

The portrait looked like it was painted a few years ago but not too old. He was sitting on a chair with a bunch of children around him. They all had smiles on their faces and there was this one with brown hair that had his arms swung around Orian's neck while he was cradled in his lap with a big smile on his face.

Orian didn't smile but his expression was calm like he was glad to be around the kids his hair wasn't as long as it was now in the picture, and even the tattoos on his arm weren't as many as there were now and I as looked deeply, I could see that the painter had gotten the scars on his arms that weren't covered by tattoos, was that why he got them? To cover up the scars?

"That's me, in case you are wondering." I was startled by the voice and I jumped as an arm stretched beside me like elastic to touch the boy with Orian in the picture.

"You scared me." I looked to my side to see him withdrawing his arm and it went back to normal.

He looked older than in the picture now and he was almost my height. His brown hair was ruffled and his dark eyes lit up as he smiled at me. He had on a white sweater and green shorts.

"Is that your power?" I asked looking at the arm he elongated.

"Yes." He did it again and I watched in awe, "The other kids call me stretchy and I help them pick things from high up."

"Cool." I nodded.

"What's yours?" He asked tucking his hands in his pockets.

"Making terrible decisions." I shrugged, I didn't have any powers but if I was to have, it will be this because I am already good at them.

"I think that is an adult thing." He scratched his head before coming up to me to sniff, "You are not a vampire." He stepped back scrunching his nose as if trying to know what creature I was, "What are you?"

"Uhm-a different creature."

"Cool." He shrugged, "I am Nolan, you can call me No."

"I think I prefer Nolan." I brought my hand out for a handshake and he took it, "I am Amara."

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