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So sorry for the late update🥺 I haven't really been okay lately, sorry once again

Do enjoy, don't forget to vote and comment🥰

Amara's pov

"I want to see your wings again, I think I like them." He huffed at my words and laid me on the bed. A satisfactory moan escaped my lips when my back met with the soft bed coverings and I snuggled in for more warmth, "Pweetty pweease..." He frowned at my pout and I couldn't resist the urge to take my fingers to his face, my thumb soothed the furrow on his forehead and it was his turn to sigh.

"You are drunk." He moved my legs and I felt his hands on my feet pulling at the shoes, "I said you couldn't have any."

"Tipsy, the word is tipsy." I raised myself a little with my elbows resting on the bed, acting as support. I wasn't drunk, I was just slightly inebriated and I could still function quite well, "Tell me more about yourself..."

"I hate being stabbed with a fork on a first date."

Date?? So it was a date?? I was very sure my mouth was slightly ajar and again I was stunned as I stared at him trying to process his words and he held his famous grimly expression like he hadn't just said something very unusual.

I couldn't believe he thought of it as a date and I had that fuzzy feeling in my belly again. At this point, there could have been hearts in my eyes. Even though I was engaged to someone else, my heart still jumped at Orian's words. I liked the fact that he thought of it as a date.

He said first? Will there be a second and a third? Maybe a fourth? Then marriage? Will he ask me to marry him? Will my parents accept a vampire? I will have to find a way to convince them and they would love him, they will def-

"You should sleep." His voice curtailed my thoughts and at the moment I was really glad that Cora and I had stopped him from reading our thoughts. I couldn't imagine how embarrassing it will be if he just heard what I was thinking.

He moved and pushed my legs further into the bed. I was forced to lay back as he grabbed the blankets. I watched as he drew them over me, tucking me into bed. He crouched before me, his hands came up to my face, his fingers brushing some of my hair aside, "How often do you have those?"

"When there is too much blood and darkness," I answered knowing very well that he was talking about my panic attacks.

His thumb ran along the edge of my jaw as he watched me keenly, like he was trying to memorise my existence.

"myagkiy, kak yeye serdtse." His fingers were in my hair, he ran them through as if completely mesmerized by the strands. I didn't know the meaning of his words but for some odd reason, they felt sounded beautiful, made me feel beautiful and I wanted to hear him say them again.

I leaned into his touch as he moved to my face again and after one last brush of his thumb on my jaw which skimmed very near my lower lip. He stood up and walked out of the room leaving me to myself.

I tore my gaze away from his slinking figure and focused on falling asleep while secretly fan Girling at his actions tonight and wondering where he would sleep.

And while being torn between trying to doze off and admiring Orian, I noticed that he had left the lights on.


One person. Double personalities. It was nerve-wracking and extremely irritating. It was a case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or in this case, Sexy Orian and The grump.

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