Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Elisheva pulled the hood over her head and wrapped the cloak around her. She stood in the cover of darkness from an alley, watching the chaotic scene unfold. It had been three days since she showed herself to the public. Since then, fires had broken out over the kingdom. Her people continued to revolt against Queen Greta and her loyal soldiers. It had turned out that more than half of the Queen's guards were waiting for the right time to rebel. They ran from her grasp and helped the people across the kingdom revolt.

"I'll admit, Princess," Aden chuckled as he leaned against the alley wall, his voice muffled slightly by his face covering. "You've caused quite a destruction."

Elisheva nodded as she smirked. She had never approved of violence before, but now, fighting against her sister, she knew it was necessary. She had seen what her sister had done to the men and women who were caught revolting against her. The day before, the three of them were moving through the middle of the capitol and ran into a grizzly sight.

In the middle of the square, four bodies were impaled on large wooden spikes: two men and two women. Elisheva had to cover her mouth from crying at the scene before her. Tears had streamed down her cheeks as she noticed they were still alive and bleeding out all over the spike. The ground beneath them held a dark puddle of crimson blood. Metcalf had to lift Elisheva and carry her away from the scene and back to the house.

Ever since witnessing that atrocity, Elisheva's blood boiled. She knew that the only way she would be able to stop her sister was with violence.

"This is what she deserves," Elisheva shrugged.

Metcalf stood close behind her, always protecting her. "It's caused a lot of bloodshed."

Elisheva shook her head. "She is the one that caused the blood to be spilled. My heart hurts for the families of the ones who have been punished."

"Princess," Aden spoke firmly, gaining her attention and making her look over at him. "These people knew what the consequences would be by following you." He turned his head to look out into the street. "Sacrifices are always made for the greater good." He looked at her. "They'll follow you until you have your throne. Once that happens, the violence will stop."

"Do you now believe that she is the good one?" Metcalf teased his brother.

A slight indentation of a smirk hid beneath his mask as he shrugged. "Seeing how the people rallied underneath her call, I do not doubt it anymore."

"Good," Elisheva answered with a smile and a quick nod. She looked back at Metcalf. "I want to take a look around."

Metcalf took a deep breath before nodding. He touched her back before inclining his head to his brother. Aden took the front and led them out of the alleyway and into the street. This was how they would move whenever Elisheva wanted to move in the road, Aden in front and Metcalf at her rear. Her protectors. Metcalf's hand would never leave the small of her back while they moved, and she was grateful for it. His touch always gave her the confidence to move through the streets, seeing the destruction and horrors.

Moving through the streets in the daytime was a considerable risk instead of sticking to the shadows. Greta was still looking for them despite the distractions that the revolts were causing. Elisheva didn't care about the risks at this moment. She knew it was essential for the people to see that she was still alive. She had thought through the idea with Imelda of letting herself be arrested in plain sight, but when she had brought it up to Metcalf, he shut it down instantly. Although, that plan might have to go into effect. Elisheva knew that eventually, the riots would be shut down, and more blood would be on her hands. Having herself arrested would fuel the fire underneath the people hotter than before and could save many people from the bloodshed, but Metcalf wouldn't let her go quickly. Imelda had told her that if she did go through with this plan, she would have to be away from him.

"Eva," Metcalf's rough voice drew her out of her thoughts and back to the present.


His hand moved from the small of her back to her hip, squeezing it gently. "We should turn back."

Aden had stopped and turned around to agree with his brother. "I think that would be very wise." His eyes were darting around them, taking in every sight. Screams came from behind him. "We've got to go now."

Metcalf gripped Elisheva's arm and pushed her behind him. They moved quickly through the streets before pushing her into a dark alleyway. "We need to stay in the dark."

"What's going on?" Elisheva asked, her voice quivering as she gripped Metcalf's arm tightly.

"Your sister is here," Aden answered quietly.

Metcalf grunted as he continued to pull her down the alley. Elisheva couldn't help but think that this was her chance. She stopped them both and pulled them further into the shadows. "I think it's good that she's here."

"What are you talking about?" Aden snapped at her.

Metcalf growled deeply. "Don't you fucking dare, Elisheva."

Elisheva's eyes snapped over to Metcalf, giving him a stern look. "This is the best chance that we have."

"The answer is no," Metcalf growled, taking a step toward her.

Aden shook his head. "You're planning on having yourself arrested, aren't you?"

"No, she's not!"

"Yes, I am!" Elisheva turned to Aden. "It's the only option we have right now. The riots aren't going to last forever. There are still soldiers loyal to me in the castle. I need to get closer to Greta to get the chance to kill her."

Metcalf grumbled as he shook his head quickly. "We're not letting you do that."

"Actually," Aden started.

Metcalf's head snapped over at his brother. "Actually? Hell no! She's not fucking getting herself arrested!"

"Brother," Aden started gently. "Your woman is strong. Her magic is strong." He looked at Elisheva. "She can and will kill her and take her throne back. I agree that our best choice is for her to get herself arrested. The riots will grow quicker if they see the Queen take the Princess they love."

Metcalf shook his head. "I'm not letting her go."

Aden nodded slowly, "I know, brother. Please, forgive me for this." Aden didn't allow Metcalf to respond before punching his brother hard in the face. Metcalf's head snapped back, blood running down his nose. "Go, Princess!"

Elisheva didn't want to leave them, but she knew Aden had given her the best chance to run. She took off, hearing her name roaring out of Metcalf's mouth, but she didn't stop. She ripped the cloak off from around her shoulders and threw it aside. She moved between the people on the streets until she came to where the screams were the loudest.

Greta stood in the middle of the square, a ring of frozen bodies around her. She was laughing manically at the people running from her magic.

"Greta!" Elisheva yelled.

Greta's face turned from shock to pure evil happiness at the sight of her sister. "Well, isn't this a delight?"

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