Chapter Seven

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Metcalf stood behind Elisheva once the adrenaline from what had just transpired moved out of them. "Take all the anger you have stored in you and give it to your magic," he told her. "Once you gave your magic the power it needs, hit that target." Metcalf, a few minutes ago, made a target out of a block of ice and placed it at the far end of the cave.

Elisheva did exactly what Metcalf told her to. She brought back all the anger that has been locked up inside of her and connected it with her magic. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. She then held her hands out and opened her eyes. Her hands shook nervously as she tried to send the ice out of her, but none would come. She sighed and gave up. Placing her hands over her eyes, she sat down on the ground. Everything was going wrong. She was going to die out here, she knew it. Eventually she knew that Metcalf will realize the chore that it would be to take care of her and leave her to die out in this barren wasteland.

Metcalf knelt down in front of her and took her hands away from her face. "Listen, it takes time and practice to be able to control it exactly when you want to. Trust me, it does. Now, come on." He helped her up and placed his hands on her shoulders. "You can do this. Try it again." He moved behind her so he wouldn't get hit. He was being patient with her when he didn't need to be. She should have already known how to control her magic and fight with it. She didn't want to blame her parents, but she knew that this was their doing. They were the ones who controlled what she learned and what she didn't learn.

Elisheva closed her eyes once more and harnessed all the anger and combined it with her magic. Placing one hand out in front of her she let go of an ice shard. Opening her eyes, she watched as the shard flew through the air and hit the middle of the target shattering into pieces. She gasped and looked down at her hand. "I've never been able to something like that before," she whispered. A smile danced along her lips as she let out another shard one after another, each hitting the middle of the target shattering what was already there.

Metcalf smiled proudly. "Now you can! Keep practicing and before long you'll be able to fight without thinking." He started to walk away and sit against the wall. "Tomorrow we will start toward the friend I know who will be able to help you more."

Elisheva walked over and sat down next to him. "What about taking me to that safe place you were talking about?"

"Change of plans." Metcalf closed his eyes and leaned his head against the wall. "Besides," he continued, "where we are going now will be safer anyways."

Elisheva watched him for a while before looking down at the ground between her feet. "Thank you," she said quietly.

"What?" Metcalf asked looking at her.

Elisheva looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you for taking me across Exilium and saving me from that village."

Metcalf returned her smile. "You're welcome, Eva." He stood up and wiped off the dirt from his pants. "I keep my promises. Now, get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow."

Elisheva laid down and watched Metcalf walk over to the opening of the cave. She smiled to herself as sleep overcame her.


Metcalf ran a hand through his hair. What am I doing? All I need to do is help this girl and get her somewhere safe. I'll just leave her at Stuart's and he can teach her and help her, then I'll leave. He looked back at Elisheva sleeping and smiled. She looks so peaceful and- He shook his head and forced himself to look out into the darkness.

He stood there for another four hours before he heard something stir behind him. He turned to see Elisheva walking towards him.

"You should have stayed asleep," Metcalf calmly told her. "I would have been fine staying awake."

Elisheva stopped next to him. She stared out into the darkness and wrapped her arms around herself. "I know, but I just thought that you deserve some sleep." She smiled at him.

He smiled back. "Thanks, but I'm fine." When she wouldn't leave he continued, "Trust me. I'm fine."

"I know you are." She sat down where she was and leaned back on her hands. "Since I'm awake I might as well stay up with you and keep you company."

Metcalf sat down next to her, giving into the thought of some company. "Thank you." He saw her give a small shiver out of the corner of his eye. He sighed inwardly and pulled her closer to him. He wrapped one arm around her and kept her close hoping to keep her warm. She snuggled closer to him and rested her head on his chest.

Why do you have to be a princess? Metcalf thought to himself. If you weren't there could have been something between us, but now, it's forbidden. He looked out and, as the many times before, saw nothing in the never ending blackness.

"Metcalf?" Elisheva's voice piped up.

He looked down at her to find her eyes watching him. "Yes?"

"Why are you out here?" she asked him slowly.

He sighed, annoyed, and looked away. "That's a story for another day. I told you not to ask about it again."

Elisheva gave a small sigh. "Today is another day and tomorrow will be another as well, but you won't tell me then. Why keep it a secret?"

"Because, like I said before, it's long and complicated." He looked down at her face and smiled hoping to ease her worries. "And besides, you don't want to know."

Elisheva placed her head back on his chest and asked him, "How long will it take to get to your friends place?"

"About another day or two," he answered, grateful that she changed the subject. "Depending on how fast we travel."

An hour later, they were laying down. Elisheva's head still resting on Metcalf's chest with his arm wrapped protectively around her. He looked at her finding her sound asleep.

So much for keeping me company, he complained to himself.

He closed his eyes and tried to let the rhythm of Elisheva's breathing put him asleep. Success came and sleep overpowered him, but not before he set a spell over the cave protecting them from intruders.

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