Chapter Two

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The next couple of years passed very slow for Elisheva. She stayed away from her sister as much as she could without causing anyone to be suspicious. She knew that the servants were already talking about his strange her sister had been acting. There were rumors about how Greta would disappear from the castle. Elisheva eventually got curious about what her sister was doing. When she was sure Greta couldn't see her, Elisheva would follow her and try to figure out where she would disappear to, but would always lose her. She finally gave up trying to follow and went about her days as usual. She didn't want to believe that her sister was up to nothing good, but she couldn't be sure.

She thought Greta's behavior as strange. How could someone all of sudden bring on so much rage and threaten someone they were close too. Maybe, Greta didn't think they were as close as Elisheva thought. She had thought that if she would be chosen to be crowned the next queen, Greta would be happy for her. Elisheva would have been happy if Greta would have gotten the crown instead of her. She couldn't understand her sisters attitude. Great had always been the quiet sister, but Elisheva never took that as anything wrong.

A week had passed when Elisheva walked to the throne room. She stopped outside the door when she heard voices from the other side.

"I should have gotten the throne!" Elisheva heard Greta yell from the other side of the doors. "Not Elisheva!"

"Greta," her father sounded tired and annoyed. "Our decision was made, Elisheva will be in control of the kingdom after us."

A sound of struggle came through the crack. Terrified screams were cut off suddenly. Elisheva's hands were shaking. Taking a deep breath, she quietly pushed the doors opened and gasped at what she saw. Her parents laid on the floor dead with shards of ice sticking out of them, tears immediately pooled in her eyes. Blood ran down the stairs and stopped at the feet of Greta. The deep red color was a stark contrast against the bright color of the iced floor.

"Oh, my dear sister," Greta sighed. "You weren't supposed to be here to see this." She turned around and looked at her. She smiled wickedly and cackled, her eyes glinted as they pinned on Elisheva's face.

"Greta," Elisheva voice was barely above a whisper, "what have you done?" She tore her eyes away from her parents bodies and looked up at her sister with wide eyes. One hand went to her throat as the other over her stomach. Elisheva felt as if she was going to throw up over the scene in front of her. She was in complete shock.

"What have I done?" She mocked Elisheva as she cackled again. Greta wiped the blood that was on her hands over her light blue dress, creating an even more horrific scene. "I have done something that you would never have had the guts to do. I killed our parents so I could get the throne!"

"So you can get the throne?" Elisheva went from shocked to enraged at her sister. The hand that was against her stomach curled into a tight ball, her nails digging into her palm.

"Yes." Greta turned towards their father and plucked the crown off his head. She then climbed the blood stained stairs and turned back to Elisheva. She held out the ice crown in front of her. "You want to see something else I can do?" She mumbled a spell that slowly made the ice crown into a solid crown of igneous, black rock. She then placed the crown upon her head where it landed comfortably above her brows. Lifting her arms up she changed the dress she was wearing from a beautiful silky blue to a lacy black. She smiled at Elisheva, her eyes shining proudly.

"Greta," Elisheva begged. "Sister, stop!"

That only made Greta's smile turn into a wider smirk. She turned around and sat down on their father's throne. The throne instantly turned into an igneous rock at the touch of her hand. She flicked her wrist, and the dead King and Queen flew off the raised platform and landed in front of Elisheva.

Elisheva's knees buckled underneath her and she fell to the ground. She reached out and touched both of her parents foreheads. Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes and she let them. "How could you do this, Greta? After everything they did for you," she looked up at her sister. "And you killed them."

Greta threw her head back laughed loudly. "After all the things they did for me? Bah! All they truly did was gave birth to me and raised me in this palace." She leaned backwards against the throne and looked at her fingertips as if they suddenly got her full attention and the scene before her bored her. "They didn't even let me have a throne. Any throne would have been fine, but I would have rather had this throne. Now I don't have to worry, do I? I have this throne," she turned her attention back to Elisheva. "And you don't."

Elisheva glared at her sister with tears flowing down her face and her breath fuming out of her. "I didn't choose to come out first, nature decided that fate. Don't blame me for something I couldn't control."

"My dear, dear sister," Greta said to her with a mocking voice. "I'm not blaming you, but I will punish you. Now, what shall the punishment be?"

Elisheva's anger turned into complete terror. Her life now rested in Greta's hands; her own sister. She looked at all the exits and was surprised to see guards clothed in black standing guard. Did she already have people under her command before she overtook the throne? she thought to herself. Her attention was brought back to Greta when Greta snapped her fingers.

"I've got it!" Greta looked down upon her sister and smiled. "It would be a pity to let you die since you really had no say in the order of our birth. So, it is my decision to banish you from Adamantes and the smaller cities in the kingdom! I banish you to the outside, Exilium."

"No!" Elisheva screamed. "Please, sister, don't!"

"I will allow you to have a horse and a few supplies, but that is it!" Greta continued as if she wasn't interrupted. "You will leave in three hours, understand? I want you out of this kingdom by a week! If you're not out by that time I will have no choice but to kill you. Eli," she mocked her by using the nickname she chose as a child, "I would rather not kill you. You were afterall the only person that ever truly brought me happiness. For a time at least." She beckoned three guards over. "Take my sister back to her chambers and make sure that she is doing exactly what I tell her to do. Oh, and make sure to follow her and report to me if she doesn't make it out on time." She smiled and waved her fingers at Elisheva. "Goodbye, Elisheva."

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