Chapter Twenty-Five 🌶️

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Elisheva leaned back against Metcalf as she crossed her arms over her chest. They were still in the kitchen with Metcalf leaning against the counter, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. Aden and Imelda sat at the small table in front of them. Aden continually snuck stern glances over at his brother before returning to the tea kettle in the middle of the table. Imelda sipped her tea, completely ignoring the feuding brothers.

Elisheva squirmed in Metcalf's arms, making them tighten around her. She didn't like the tension that was in the air. She knew that she wouldn't make the same mistakes as her parents. She could understand Aden's hesitation with her relationship with his brother, but she wouldn't ditch Metcalf once she gets her throne. She couldn't do it. Elisheva knew she was already too dependent on Metcalf to turn away from him.

"Stop overthinking," Metcalf whispered in her ear.

Elisheva leaned back against him. "How did you know?"

Metcalf chuckled as he grabbed her hands, stopping them from fidgeting. "You always fidget with your hands when you're thinking hard."

"Ignore Aden, Princess," Imelda spoke up. She set the teacup on the table before grabbing the kettle to fill it again. "He's pouting." She snuck a glance over at Aden. "As always."

Aden rolled his eyes and shook his head. "We need a plan," he grumbled.

Imelda nodded. "Of course we do."

"Do they know that we're gone?" Elisheva spoke up. She tried to make her voice sound confident, but she couldn't help the shakiness in her voice.

Imelda gave her a soft look. "They do, my dear. The Queen has already ordered every guard to search the city and the nearby ones. It won't be long until she orders house searches."

Elisheva sunk further against Metcalf's body. "Then what do we do?" She looked up at Metcalf. "She'll find us."

Imelda cleared her throat, bringing Elisheva's attention back to her. "I don't think you understand, my dear. Many more people than you think would fight to have you on the throne." She took a sip of her tea before she continued. "We must let the people know you're alive and in the city."

"How are we supposed to do that?" Aden asked quickly. He leaned forward and placed his forearms on the table. "If the Queen knows that we are gone and have her guards looking for us, how are we supposed to tell them people?"

Imelda gave him a stern look, making Aden lean back in his chair. "First of all, the guards looking for her will give the people their first hint that the Princess is here." She stirred the tea in her cup. "Second, I've got people I trust to give the town our message. We wouldn't have to leave the house."

Elisheva nodded slowly. "People will fight for me?"

"Have you seen how the city looks, Princess?" Imelda answered her softly. "People have been exiled just to lower the population for food." Elisheva glanced over at Aden, his eyes staring daggers into the table. "The people are starving, Princess. Children are dying of starvation. They need you. They will fight for you."


Elisheva snuck a glance out of the small window in her room. She didn't dare look outside for more of a second. She was too afraid of someone recognizing her and returning her to prison.

"I wouldn't look out there, Eva," Metcalf's voice startled her.

Elisheva spun around, dropping the curtain and raising a hand to her chest. "Shit, Metcalf." She took a deep breath. "Don't scare me like that."

Metcalf chuckled as he closed the door behind him and stalked to her. He caged her against the wall, leaning down to catch her lips against his. His body was hard against hers. "Don't look out the window," his voice was husky in her ear as his lips moved to brush against her throat.

Elisheva gripped his hips, pulling him even closer to her. "I just wanted to see more of what my sister has done," she breathed. A gasp was forced out of her throat as her dress was bunched against her waist and his fingers brushed against her sex.

"Don't make me beg, Eva," Metcalf growled as he continued to move his fingers against her before pinching her clit. "You know what she has done to this city and others. I want you safe, Eva. Staying here with the curtains drawn will keep you safe." Two of his fingers moved into her, curling slightly.

Elisheva wrapped her arms around his neck as she moaned. He had changed a little since they had left Exilium. He was more protective. More possessive of her and what she did. Although, she greatly enjoyed the way that he handled everything. She was still there making decisions of her own, but she wasn't making those decisions alone. She knew that he would stand behind her and be her protector when she needed him. Right now, she needed him strongly. Her hips began to rock back and forth, grinding against his hand. She needed the release that was building quickly inside of her.

"Come for me, Princess," Metcalf's voice drew her out of her thoughts, bringing her back to him. He dropped to his knees and ran his tongue through her folds.

Elisheva covered her mouth as her release continued to build and build until she felt like she was going to expload. Metcalf continued to eat her as if he was ravenous. Like he hadn't just tasted her last night. She bit her lip, holding back her cry as her release took over and she combusted against his mouth.

Metcalf stood up, wiping his mouth with the back of hand. "You're not leaving this room until I know you're safe."

Elisheva smiled up at him, still clinging onto him. Her legs felt like jello after what he had done to her. "Yes, sir."

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