Chapter Fourteen

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Metcalf stood at the table watching Aden through the crystal ball. Elisheva and Stuart went downstairs a while ago for dinner, but Metcalf stayed where he was. She had tried to stay with Metcalf, but he told her to leave him. He needed this alone time to think. He knew he had to get Elisheva away from here before Aden finds them, but he didn't know where to take her. He might as well just take her further into Exilium, but he couldn't help but think of all the dangers. The further they traveled through Exilium, the further apart the villages would be. At this moment, that could be their only option.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the stairs creaking behind him. Looking behind him, he saw Elisheva walking up carrying a tray with food placed on it. He gave her a small smile as she walked towards him.

She returned his smile and placed the tray of food down next to the crystal ball. She looked up at him and wrapped an arm around his arm. "Why are you still up here?"

Metcalf sighed. "Because, I have to watch him." He looked back at the crystal ball to see Aden sitting on the ground in front of a fire sharpening a knife. His brothers face was hard, no emotion was held in his expression. Metcalf knew that the thought of talking to his brother was out of the question.

"Metcalf," Elisheva started, "he's not going to find us."

Metcalf shook his head. She was still naive about this life. "He's a huntsman, Eva. He's been trained to track his prey and kill them. He will find us, if not now then soon. He won't rest until he finds his target." He looked at her and cupped her chin. "I don't want anything to happen to you, Eva. We are leaving in the morning. Go rest."

Elisheva looked at him surprised. "Metcalf-"

He shook his head again and turned away from her. "Go, Eva. You need to rest for tomorrow."

Elisheva sighed and locked her hand in his. "You need to as well." She gently pulled him towards the stairs. "Come on."

He looked at her and then back at the crystal ball. Aden was now laying down asleep. Metcalf sighed and followed Elisheva down the stairs. He let her lead him into their room and pushed him onto the bed gently.

"Is there anything I can do to get you out of your head?" Elisheva asked as she sat down next to him. She brought her fingers up to his temple and lightly tapped against his skin. "You're thinking too much. I can see the cogs turning in your head."

Metcalf took her hand and squeezed it gently. "I promised to protect you, Eva."

"You have, Metcalf," Elisheva reassured him.

"With my brother after you," Metcalf continued. "I'm almost afraid that I won't be enough."

Elisheva moved so she straddled his lap, forcing him to look at her. "You're not the only one who is able to fight, Metcalf. I don't have any practice in a real fight, but I know what to do." She pressed a soft kiss to his lips. "I know you can protect me, and you will."


Metcalf stood by the side of the horse putting supplies in the saddle bags. He looked over to the front of the house to see Elisheva walk out with Stuart. Elisheva turned and planted him a kiss on the cheek and told him thank you before walking over to Metcalf. He gripped her hip and helped her up onto the horse. He turned when he heard Stuart walk closer to them.

"I wish you both a safe travel," Stuart told them with a smile. His eyes were filled with worry. "Promise me that when this is all over and both of you are completely safe, you return and tell me why the hell there's a huntsman out for this young lady."

"Thank you, Stuart," Metcalf said returning his smile. "I promise that we will." He hugged him goodbye and then mounted up on the horse behind Elisheva. They both waved goodbye as Metcalf turned the horse away from the house. They continued in silence for a long time until Elisheva broke the silence.

"You didn't sleep last night," she told him.

Metcalf sighed. She was right, he didn't sleep at all. He sat on the edge of the bed staring out of the window thinking about the next day's events. "I'll be fine."

"You could at least let me control the horse for a while so you could get some sleep."

Metcalf shook his head. "I'm fine," he told her a little too harsh.

Elisheva sighed as her back straightened. "Alright."

The ride was quiet and long until they stopped to rest for the night. Elisheva created a fire and started with a stew while Metcalf walked around the perimeter of their camp making sure that there was no one around. When he was satisfied, he walked back over to where Elisheva sat and sat down next to her.

"I'm sorry," he finally spoke up.

Elisheva looked at him and smiled. She grabbed his hand and gave it a quick squeeze. "It's alright, Metcalf. I know all you want to do is protect me and I understand." She leaned into him and rested her head against his shoulder.

Metcalf wrapped an arm around her shoulder and opened his mouth to say something when he heard someone behind them. "Well, well," the voice sneered behind them. "Would you look who I found."

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