Chapter Six

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A white village stood before Elisheva and Metcalf. The small houses were built out of ice and snow. The fires created on the poles lining the path were blue and white sending white sparks into the sky. No children ran through the village, only a few elders roamed the paths.

"Welcome to the village of Sola," Metcalf told her.

They both dismounted and Metcalf handed the reins to an older man. The man took Pulchra into a small stable and tended to her. Metcalf then placed his hand on Elisheva's back and gently pushed her forward.

"Let's go take a tour." He led her through the rows of twenty houses in less then an hour.

"Where are all the children?" she asked him.

"They were taken," a raspy voice answered her. An old hunched back woman walked out of her home and over to Elisheva. "They were taken a long time ago." She reach inside her cloak and brought out a locket. "My daughter, only thirteen at the time, was taken from my husband and I. My husband fought back, but he was killed." The old lady looked up at Elisheva. "I know who you are and how you can help us."

Metcalf took a step forward placing himself between Elisheva and the old woman. "Then who is she?"

"The princess of Adamantes," the woman strongly answered Metcalf. "Princess Elisheva." The people who were close to them turned at the sound of her name. They walked over whispering to one another. "I'd recognize your eyes anywhere."

Metcalf's body tensed as he put a protective arm in front of Elisheva. "Eva, we're leaving."

They turned to leave when the old woman grabbed Elisheva's arm. "Please."

Elisheva stopped and looked into the old woman's eyes. She saw hurt, fear, and hope in them. Elisheva relaxed and asked the woman, "What's your name?"

The old lady let go of Elisheva. "Eun."

"Eun," Elisheva said softly. "Who took your child?"

Eun looked down at the ground and whispered, "The Virtutum's." A gasp came out of the group of people standing around them. "We are afraid of them. They take anyone who has youthfulness in them."

"When was the last time you saw them?" Metcalf asked Eun. Elisheva could still feel how tensed his body was, but he slowly relaxed when he figure out that they weren't going to hurt them.

Another voice pipped up, "Not for ten years, sir."

"Then maybe we could stay at least one night here?" Metcalf slowly asked Eun.

Eun looked worried and shifted her gaze from the ground to Elisheva. "I guess it will be fine," she answered slowly. "You will stay in my home. Follow me please." Eun turned and led them into her home. Once they were in there she closed the door and proceeded to close all the curtains. The house was very small with only two small beds in one corner. A stove was built into the opposite wall with a wash pan next to it. Cabinets hovered over the stove holding Eun's china. An ice table sat in the middle of the room with four chairs surrounding it.

"I'm sorry," Eun told them. "I only have one bed to spare." She walked over to the two beds and started to fluff one of the pillows.

"That's fine, Eun," Metcalf spoke up. "I'll sleep on the floor." He motioned over for Elisheva to take the bed as he took the floor in front of her's.


Elisheva sat on a throne. She was clothed in a long royal blue dress with her mothers icy crown on her head. She watched as the people danced below her to the soft, sweet music. She looked beside her and smiled at Metcalf.

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