Chapter Ten

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Later that day, Elisheva and Metcalf stopped to rest for the night. They created the spell that protected them and felt it was safe enough to eat and go to sleep. Metcalf laid down next to Elisheva and wrapped a protective arm around her waist. He kissed her on the cheek and fell asleep. The next morning, they picked up camp and mounted ready to go. It took another half day to get to Stuart's house and once they were there, Metcalf told her that this was the place.

Stuart's house wasn't made of ice but of white stone. The house was four stories high with each story getting smaller and smaller. The house was straight until the second story, then it started to tilt to one side. At the top was a tall metal cross.

"How does it not fall?" Elisheva asked Metcalf while she pointed to the house.

"Magic, my dear," a voice came from the house. The voice belonged to an old man wearing a long gray robe. His white beard reached down to his hips and his head was bald. When he smiled, wrinkles were created around his eyes.

Metcalf stopped Pulchra and dismounted. He helped Elisheva down then turned to the man. "Stuart! It's nice to see you again!" They laughed and hugged each other.

"It's nice to see you too, Metcalf," Stuart said when they pulled away. He looked at Elisheva and smiled. "And who is this pretty lady?"

Metcalf held out his hand towards Elisheva and pulled her over to them. "Stuart, this is Eva. Eva, this is my friend I was telling you about, Stuart."

Elisheva bowed at the waist respectfully, as her parents had taught her. "It's very nice to meet you, sir." She stood up straight and smiled at him. She was a little hesitant about this man after what had happened at the village, but she forced herself to remain calm and smile.

Stuart smiled and shook his head. "No, my lady, it's my pleasure to meet you." He bowed. When he straightened he invited them inside and took them to his living room. Nothing was abnormal about the living room, unlike the exterior of the house.

"Now tell me Eva," Stuart said as they sat down on the two couches, "Why have you both sought me out?"

Elisheva and Metcalf sat on one couch while Stuart sat on the couch across from them. "Sir-" Elisheva started.

"Stuart, my lady, please."

Elisheva smiled. "Stuart, I was wondering if you could help me learn how to fight with magic? You see, my sister killed my parents and -" She hesitated looking over at Metcalf. "And I was blamed for it and sentenced here. I know how to use magic, but I don't know how to fight." Elisheva laid a hand on Metcalf's knee. "Metcalf here has been teaching me a little about fighting, but he told me that you would be able to help me more."

Stuart smiled as he nodded and looked between the two of them. "Out of respect for my friend," he motioned toward Metcalf. "I'll help you. Just not tonight." He stood up and began to walk slowly into another room.

"Wait! Why not?" Metcalf asked.

Stuart turned around and smiled at Metcalf. "Both of you look as if you haven't had a good night sleep for a while. You need a proper bed. Besides," Stuart smiled even wider, "It's lunch time and I'm hungry." He turned and walked out of the room.

Elisheva looked at Metcalf. "It would be nice to sleep in a bed after sleeping on the ground for so long."

Stuart walked back into the room and motioned them to follow him. "Come on, aren't you hungry?" They followed him into the kitchen. Pots and pans were flying everywhere, by themselves. Some were being cleaned in the sink, then being dried, and finally flying to the cupboards and staying there.

Elisheva watched wide eyed at the commotion around her. She looked at Metcalf as he walked to the table in the middle of the room. When she caught up to him she asked, "Do you not see this?"

Metcalf nodded. "I do, but I've seen this about a million times." He pulled out a chair and motioned for her to sit.

She sat down in the chair and watched as a large plate full of eggs and bacon fly and land in the middle of the table. Then one of the cupboards opened and three smaller plates flew towards them and landed in front of each seat. A drawer opened and three forks and knives flew out and set themselves next to the plates.

Metcalf sat in the seat beside her and Stuart sat across from them. Stuart and Metcalf grabbed their forks and went to take a couple of eggs off the large plate.

Stuart looked up at Elisheva and noticed that she didn't take any food. "Are you not hungry, dear? Come on, go ahead, eat!" He smiled and put a mouthful of eggs into his mouth.

Elisheva smiled back at him and took a few pieces of bacon and eggs from the plate. They sat there in comfortable silence while eating until all the food was gone. She wondered where all this food came from when she hadn't seen any animals, but was too tired to question anything. Elisheva started to get up to clean her plate when Stuart told her to sit down. She did as she was told. Stuart snapped his fingers and the plates and silverware flew towards the sink and began to clean themselves. He snapped again and broom came out of a closet and began to sweep the floor.

"Can you teach me this?" Elisheva asked Stuart.

Stuart smiled making his eyes sparkle. "Yes, I can. There's so much more to learn." He stood up and looked outside. The sun was beginning to set. He motioned for the two to follow him upstairs. After showing them their rooms, he said goodnight and walked into his room.

Elisheva walked over to the large window in the room Stuart gave her. She stood there watching the sun set. She felt a presence linger in the doorway. "Metcalf," she called without turning around, "don't just stand there."

Metcalf walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He placed his chin on her shoulder.

"The sunset's beautiful, isn't it?" Elisheva asked. For this first time since leaving her castle, she felt at peace.

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