Chapter Three

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Elisheva, all packed and on her way, galloped at full speed out of Adamantes. She lost the guards that Greta ordered to watch her about two hours ago and that was when she started to gallop at full speed. Tears stained her cheeks, her eyes were red, and her cheeks were puffy. She wiped another tear away from her face with the sleeve of her dress. Her stomach rumbled telling her that it was time for lunch, but she still didn't stop. She wanted to be out of Adamantes as quickly as possible and in less than a week and if that meant not eating until she was forced to stop then that is how it was going to be.

She made sure to stay riding in the ice forest so she wouldn't attract any attention to herself. She rode until the stars shone overhead and she couldn't see more than twenty feet in front of her. She forced herself to stop and rest for the night. She tied her horse to a tree and made sure the reins had enough slack so the horse could eat. Elisheva then made a fire and made a stew out of mushrooms and some melted ice. Once the food was eaten she laid down and stared up at the stars. Tears started falling once more out of the corner of her eyes and down the sides of her face.

Why, Greta? Why? she thought to herself for the umpteenth that day. Why couldn't you just be happy with being a princess? There had to be another smaller kingdom somewhere that you could have had the throne to, but no, you had to go and kill mother and father and take what was rightfully mine!

She wiped away the tears and forced herself to close her eyes and fall asleep. Sleep didn't come easy that night. She tossed and turned the whole night and woke up right when the sun peaked over the horizon. She groaned as she sat up. Her back ached and her body was stiff from the ground. Her horse seemed to have gotten better sleep then her. The fire had gone out during the night, so all she had to clean up was the one bowl that she was allowed to bring with her. She place it in her bag and mounted her horse.

"Alright, Pulchra," she sighed as she patted the horse's neck. "Let's go." Elisheva made Pulchra walk for an hour until she was sure her legs were warmed up and ready to go. Then, she clicked her tongue and tapped her heels against Pulchra's sides making her jump into a full gallop.

The next few days repeated themselves. Every night would be restless and every morning and afternoon would be pushed to their limits. Elisheva only had four more days to reach the border of Exilium. Her only hope was to get there on time.

Finally, by the end of the fifth day, she saw the border of Exilium.

"Thank you!" she breathed. "Thank you!"

The sky was getting dark and that told her that it was time to stop for the night. She stopped under an ice cavern and made a small fire. After the food was eaten and Pulchra was taken care of, Elisheva went to the edge of the cavern and stared out at Exilium.

Exilium was a barren wasteland. Small, weak trees popped up at random and soft snow turned to ice at random not warning you when you step on it. There had been rumors of cannibals, murders, and rappers out in Exilium. Elisheva was a sweet, innocent girl who got everything taken away from her because of her selfish sister.

Elisheva shivered and hugged herself. Why did this happen to me? Why do I have to go out there with the criminals that deserve death? I've done nothing to deserve this. She looked back into the cave. I wonder if I stayed in this cave if Greta would notice I was still in Adamantes? No, she shook her head, who knows what she knows or who she has watching me, making sure that I leave. Elisheva turned and walked back into the cave. She laid down by the fire and slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, Elisheva stood looking at the border of Exilium. She stood three feet from the border with her horses reins in her hands. She looked at Pulchra and gave a weak smile.

"We have one day to spare right?" She gave a nervous laugh and then shook her head. "No! I will do this!" She took a big step forward and crossed the border. "So far so good. Come on Pulchra." She pulled her horse across the border and mounted her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "No chance looking back now." She clicked her tongue and tapped her horse's sides making her move forward.

She traveled the rest of the day and never saw a town, village, or even one house. All she saw was white snow and every once in a while a lonely tree. She was afraid she wasn't going to be able to find shelter for when she had to stop, but somehow an ice cave showed up on the distance.

"Thank you," she breathed. She rode into the ice cave and looked around. "It's going to be difficult to build a warm fire, but I can manage." She made a blue orb from her palm and sent it to the top of the cave where it lit up the whole cave. She tied her horse up to a block of ice and laid down. Sleep did not come easy, but it still came.

Elisheva didn't know how long she had been asleep, but she knew it wasn't long before she heard the shuffle of feet near her. She opened her eyes and looked around, she saw nothing. Assuming it was just her imagination, she tried to go back to sleep but the shuffling started again. She opened her eyes once again to see two dark eyes staring at her. She opened her mouth to let out a scream when a big hand covered her mouth.

The owner of the dark eyes placed a finger to his lips. She nodded her head slowly and he took his hand away from her mouth. She sat up quickly and scooted away from the man and hit her back to the cave wall.

"Can you tone the light down a bit, please?" the man whispers to her.

To her surprise, she obeys and brings the orb down to where the light was only shining on them. "Who are you?" she asked once she was brave enough. "And what do you want from me?" Elishiva brought her knees up to her check, hugging them to keep her body from shaking.

The man sat down across from her and took off his gloves. He was handsome with dark brown eyes, a strong jaw bone, and thick brown hair. He was tall and very muscular. "The name's Metcalf, Metcalf Branneth. And you're in my cave."

"I'm in your cave?" Elisheva leaned forward. "I didn't see a sign that had your name on it."

Metcalf threw his head back and laughed. "I assume you're new to Exilium, aren't you honey?"

Elisheva leaned back against the ice wall and brought her knees up to her chest. "Yes, I am. And do not call me honey, I barely know you!"

"How are you going to survive out here with only a bag full of provisions?" He asked as he lifted her small bag.

She shrugged. "I'll figure it out."

"Where are you going?"

"I'll figure that out too." Hopefully.

Metcalf laughed and shook his head. "Trust me, you'll need someone to help you survive out here."

"And I assume that you're supposed to be that someone to help me?"

"Yes, I am." He smiled wide and opened up his arms. "Do you want my help? If not," he pointed toward the mouth of the cave, "then get out."

Elisheva stared at him for a few moments before she sighed and answered. "Yes, I need your help. Please." She didn't trust this man, but she knew that he was right.

"Just one more thing, what's your name?" he asked her.

Elisheva hesitated for a moment. Should she tell him her true name or make up another one. She didn't know if telling him her name would be safe or not. "The name's Eva."

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