Chapter Fifteen

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"Well, well," the voice sneered behind them. "Would you look who I found."

Metcalf turned around and reached for a dagger that was on his belt. He gasped when he saw who the voice belonged to. Aden. Metcalf quickly pushed Elisheva behind him as he glared at his brother. Aden stood there with a nasty smirk plastered on his face. He held two long daggers by his sides and Metcalf even saw a sword strapped onto his belt.

"Hello there, brother," Aden sneered. He twirled the daggers in his hands. "Let me make a proposal, I will let you go - unscathed - if you give me the girl." Aden smiled what he could muster an innocent smile. He pointed the dagger in his left hand at Elisheva.

Metcalf gripped the hilt of the dagger tighter. "Not a chance, Aden. I will not let you touch her." He got into a fighting stance with his dagger held out in front of him. Elisheva gripped his arms tightly.

Aden shook his head sadly. "Fine. Have it your way." Aden looked him in the eye before charging him.

Metcalf blocked the first dagger coming towards his neck with his dagger, but had to push Aden away when another blow came towards his side. He pushed Elisheva back, away from them. He blocked another blow and another until he finally found an opening. He reached out with his dagger and slashed Aden across his cheek.

"Arrgg!" Aden screamed. He staggered back and held his cheek with his hand. Pulling his hand away, he saw that it was covered in blood. His eyes turned dark with rage when he looked back at Metcalf. "You're going to pay for this," he said through gritted teeth. He tackled Metcalf to the ground. They wrestled until Aden got a hold of Metcalf's dagger and threw it far away from them. Aden then took that advantage to stab Metcalf in his shoulder.

"Arrgg!" Metcalf screamed in pain.

Elisheva, who had been watching helplessly from the sidelines, got up. "Metcalf!" She closed her eyes and brought all her anger towards her magic and let out a blast of wind towards Aden. She watched as Aden flew off of Metcalf, tumbling into the snow and ice away from them. She ran towards Metcalf and placed a hand on his chest. "Metcalf!"

"Eva," Metcalf said through his pain. "Go! Run!"

"I'm not leaving you!" She looked at the dagger still lodged in his shoulder and winced. Elisheva looked up when she heard laughter coming from where Aden was laying on the floor. She watched as he got up and looked at her.

"So you're the Princess the Queen wants," Aden sneered. "It's a shame that she wants you dead." He looked her up and down. "Such a shame," he added again, slowly as he licked his bottom lip. "I'm going to have a bit of fun with you before handing your body over to the Queen."

"You stay away from her!" Metcalf growled as he tried to get up and charge Aden, but failed when the pain from his shoulder came back. He fell down onto his knees, his other hand grabbing his shoulder. He moved his body in front of Elisheva protectively.

Aden laughed. "Come on, brother, why don't you let the lady talk for herself. I'm sure she can make her own decisions." He picked up his dagger, wiping the snow off of it, and walked over to them.

Elisheva put her hand behind her back and formed an ice sword. She gripped the hilt tight and waited until Aden was close enough to strike. When he was right over Metcalf, she moved around him and met Aden's dagger with her ice sword.

Aden stumbled back a little not expecting her to fight back. He watched as she walked around Metcalf staring him right in the eyes. Aden chuckled and charged at her.

She blocked his blow easily, but didn't waste time. She pushed him off and swung at his neck. He ducked and tried to stab at her side. She blocked it and jumped behind him. She hit the side of his head with the hilt of the sword, knocking him out. He fell to the ground, lifeless. For a moment, she looked down at the man crumbled at her feet. She hadn't realized that she had that much strength to be able to knock a man out, but a deep groan brought her out of her thoughts. Elisheva ran back to Metcalf. She dropped her sword by her side and dropped next to him. "Metcalf?"

Metcalf looked at her and smiled. "Did Stuart teach you those moves?"

Elisheva chuckled and nodded. She looked at the dagger still in his shoulder. "I've got to get that out of you."

"Just pull it out," Metcalf told her.

Elisheva looked at him surprised and shook her head. "I don't think I could do that."

"Eva, you have to," Metcalf sternly told her. "Now, rip it out. It didn't go through my shoulder. It'll be fine."\

Elisheva shuttered before grabbing the hilt of the dagger. She breathed in. "Ready? One, two, three!" She pulled the dagger out of his shoulder making him scream from the pain. Looking at the bloody dagger, she threw on the ground and ripped off some fabric from her dress. She tied it around the wound to make the bleeding stop. I hope this works. She helped Metcalf sit up and walked him over to the fire.

"Thank you," he breathed.

She nodded. "Are you going to be okay?"

He nodded in return. "What should we do with him?" He pointed back at Aden.

Elisheva stood up and walked over to the horse. Reaching into the saddle bags, she brought out a rope and walked over to where Aden laid on the ground. She pulled him over closer to the fire and then wrapped his arms and legs together with the rope. She made sure the knot was good and right before she returned to Metcalf.

"There," she told him. "Hopefully that will hold him."

Metcalf slowly laid down and motioned for her to come nearer. She laid beside him by the shoulder that wasn't hurt. He kissed her forehead before falling asleep.

Elisheva stayed awake for another hour watching Aden. She wondered why her sister still wanted her dead and why she would send someone out here to kill her. Shaking her head to get rid of the questions, she slowly drifted to sleep.

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