Chapter Thirteen 🌶️

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Elisheva groaned loudly as Metcalf ran his tip over her clit. She wanted him. Badly. By the reaction he was having over seeing her, so did he. She didn't want him to tease her. All she wanted was to feel him fully inside of her and fuck her until she had forgotten everything that had happened.

"Do not tease me, Metcalf," Elisheva ordered breathlessly. She threw her head back as he continued to circle her clit with the tip of his cock.

Metcalf chuckled lowly. "Yes, Princess." He gripped the back of her thighs hard enough to leave bruises as he slowly began to enter her. "Fuck, Eva," he gritted out. "So fucking tight." He moved so he was leaning over her. "Are you-?"

Elisheva shook her head quickly. She wasn't perfect princess that the kingdom had believed that she was. In the middle of the night, she would sneak out to find the man she was wanting. One of the guards she had befriended over the years never hesitated to make her feel good. "Please, Metcalf," she whined. She raised her hips, trying to force him deeper into her. Her eyes roamed over his body, her mouth watering at the sight of him. His perfectly toned body flexed as he worked to control himself.

Metcalf's jaw clenched as he pushed further into her. "Fuck," he growled as he began a slow, agonizing pattern. "You feel fucking perfect." He leaned his head down and ran his tongue over the sensitive skin of her neck.

Elisheva groaned as she arched her neck, giving him better access to her neck. "Metcalf," she squirmed underneath him as his teeth scraped along her skin. Her nails dug into his shoulders before scraping down his back. A growl sounded deep within his chest.

Fire ignited through her body as the tip of his cock hit the perfect spot. Each one of his thrusts hit that perfect spot, causing the fire to erupt. Elisheva wrapped her arms around his neck, hiding her face into the crook of his neck as she came. She wanted to cry out, but didn't want Stuart to hear her. She moaned loudly against his neck as her body began to shudder underneath him.

"Fuck, Eva," Metcalf moaned out as his thrusts became sporadic. He moaned her name again as he thrusted a couple more times before pulling out quickly. He fisted his cock and pumped twice before spilling his seed onto her stomach. "Gods," he panted.

Elisheva smiled up at him, admiring the view he was giving her. She started to sit up when Metcalf pressed a hand to her chest and pushed her back onto the bed. "Stay here," he smiled down at her. "I'll take care of you."

A week had passed since Elisheva and Metcalf arrived at Stuart's house. Elisheva has been improving quicker then Stuart thought she would and with that he was proud. He taught her everything she needed to know with her powers and fighting. There was nothing else he could teach her, so their classes ended quick. Elisheva was a fast learner. Always was. Her tutors had ended their lessons sooner than they did her sisters. Her father had always said that Elisheva had inherited her mothers brain and love for learning. Stuart had promised Elisheva that he would teach her more than fighting, but wanted to take a small break.

Elisheva found Metcalf standing outside on the porch as he has done every day at the end of the day. She opened the door and walked out to stand next to him, wrapping a shawl she had found in one of the closets around her. She touched his arm and smiled at him. "What have you been doing out here?"

Metcalf looked down at her and smiled lovingly, his eyes holding warmth at seeing her. "Just thinking." He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close into his side.

"About what?" She placed her head against his chest.

Metcalf sighed. "My past." He paused before saying, "I think it's time that you know why I'm out here." He squeezed her waist and took a deep breath before continuing. "I was accused of murdering a man at the age of sixteen. I was exiled by your parents for what I did, but I never killed him. I was only a witness. I tried to save the man after the one who killed him ran away and that's why they thought I killed him. My hands were red for weeks from his blood. My parents tried to clear my name, but because of their status they couldn't. That's why I'm out here."

Elisheva reached up and caressed his face with her hand. "Metcalf, I believe that you didn't kill that man. I remember hearing about your case from my parents. They didn't know whether to believe that a sixteen-year-old boy can kill someone, but they ended up believing all the lies that were told to them. I'm sorry."

Metcalf smiled and kissed her hand. "There is nothing to be sorry about, my dear. It's not your fault I'm out here." He leaned down to kiss her when they were interrupted by Stuart barging through the door.

Stuart stood there wide eyed and gasping for breath. His eyes were wild with worry and fear. "Sorry to interrupt, but there is someone coming this way and he is moving fast." He ushered them inside.

Elisheva and Metcalf looked at each other before following him in. They followed him up three flights of stairs before coming into the top room of the house. Bookshelves covered the walls and a huge window covered one wall letting in enough light. In the middle of the room a large table sat with a stack of books on one end and a crystal ball sitting in the middle. The ball was lit up and letting off light.

Stuart ushered them closer and pointed to the crystal ball. "Take a look."

They moved closer and Metcalf gasped at what he saw. He saw his brother Aden riding a horse through Exilium. "It can't be," he whispered. He gripped Elisheva's hand tightly and pushed her behind him as if he could protect her from the danger that hadn't reached them

"You know him?" Stuart asked him stunned. His mouth was set in a firm line as he studied Metcalf's features.

Elisheva looked at Metcalf and placed a hand on his arm. "Metcalf, who is that?" She peaked at the glowing orb from around his body.

Metcalf looked up at Stuart then looked at Elisheva. "That's my brother, Aden."

Elisheva wrapped her arm around his and asked him. "Why is it bad that he's coming. Maybe he's coming to tell you to come back." Her eyes were full of confusion as she looked at him and then the orb again.

Metcalf shook his head. "No. Before I left, he was training to become a huntsman. He would have completed his training by now."

"Who could your man be hunting?" Stuart asked him worriedly.

Metcalf looked at Elisheva. "Eva."

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