Chapter Nineteen

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The next few days passed excruciating slow for Elisheva. All she was allowed to do was ride on a horse with Metcalf with more than a dozen guards surrounding them. Even when she wanted to relieve herself, there was someone there watching her making sure she didn't run off. Elisheva often found herself wishing that they were at the castle already so she could get off this horse and walk around for more than a couple of minutes.

The sun was high in the sky when the head guard announced that they reached the border of Exilium and Glacies.

Just five more days until we reach the castle, Elisheva thought to herself. She didn't understand why her sister still wanted her dead after she was exiled. One thing was for certain; Elisheva was going to stay alive. Even if she had to fight her sister, she would do it to live. Elisheva watched as the tall walls of a city came into view. Tall metal gates opened up to welcome them into the city. The sound of the horses shoes rose as they walked onto the neatly made cobblestone road. Strangely, that was the only sound that could be heard. The tall buildings standing on either side of the road looked deserted. Banners that were connected to some of the buildings looked dingy and torn. Not even the cry of a child or a bark from a dog was heard in this city. This city used to be bustling with people, but now it looked completely deserted.

"Where is everyone?" Metcalf asked. He moved one of his arms to wrap around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Gone," the guard riding beside them answered. "The people of Terminus left a while ago."

"Why?" Elisheva asked him.

"To search for jobs and food."

Metcalf looked at the guard. "Shouldn't the Queen be helping her subjects?"

The guard turned to look at him. "Never say what our Queen should or shouldn't do," he hissed. "Queen Greta is doing all she can for these bratty peasants. They should be ones helping her."

"And how would they help her?" Metcalf challenged. Elisheva placed a hand on his urging him to stop.

The guard laughed and turned back around. "They could stop whining so much and pay their respects to their Queen."

The party stopped in the middle of the towns square with Elisheva and Metcalf standing in the middle. The head guard walked his horse and stood in front of them.

"We will stop here for the night," he told the party loudly. "Get plenty of rest for we will not be stopping tomorrow. I plan to get to the Queen's castle in less than three days." He paused waiting to hear some sound of disbelief, but gave a quick nod as he was satisfied when he heard no one object. "Alright, now go and pick a building and stay there. You," he pointed to another guard. "Stay with the prisoners and make sure that they don't try to escape."

"Yes sir!"

The head guard nodded in satisfaction. "Now, go on everyone!"

The guard that was placed to watch over Elisheva and Metcalf lead them over to a small building. The guard placed the one bed by the door and turned to them.

"I will sleep on the bed and you two will sleep on the floor, okay?" He didn't wait for them to reply as he crawled into bed and quickly fell asleep, his hands clutching his sword tightly.

Elisheva sat down against a wall and laid her head back against the wall. She closed her eyes as Metcalf sat down next to her. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "It'll be okay, Eva."

She opened her eyes and looked at him. She gave him a small smile. "I hope so."

"Do you think we can make it to your sisters castle in less then three days?"

Elisheva shook her head. "No. When I was exiled it took me five days to reach the border. We won't make it in three days." She laid her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes. "Good night, Metcalf."

"Good night, Eva," he whispered back.

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