Kissing preferences - Mike + alters x reader

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Requested by: Anonymous :)
Setting: The beach 

This is kind of like a mini preference chapter. I tried to make this as accurate to DID as possible, but please remember that everyone's system is different. However, I do not have reliable information if many alters can front in a day like this. 


All of Mike's alters love you and with all their consent, especially Mike's, you were in a relationship with all of them, except Chester since he was older. The thing that intrigued you the most was that his system had different ways of kissing you. 

Some kisses were more like pecks, which was Mike and Svetlana's typical way of kissing you. Some were more passionate and a little possessive like Mal and Vito. But Manitoba's kisses were in the sweet middle of passionate yet simple. Of course, Chester hated kissing. He would just complain.  

The best part about this was, they all each had favorite spots to kiss you too. 

Mike's favorite spot to plant his lips and kiss you was your forehead. He sees it as a sign of trust and affection, and he'd always been a sucker for a good forehead kiss. He wants you to know he is there for you whenever he kisses your forehead. 

"Hey Y/N." Mike greeted you with a kiss on the forehead, knowing this was his way of making you feel special and loved. You blushed and giggled slightly, knowing that he had noticed and was trying to make you feel comfortable.

Mike smiled, "Let's take a walk on the beach, shall we?"

As you and Mike walked along the beach, Manitoba soon fronted and he gave you a mischievous grin. "Hey there, Sheila."

You blushed at the nickname causing him to chuckle. He kissed you on the lips, since that was his favorite spot to kiss you. 

"You're just too irresistable." He winked, making you smile even more. 

You and Manitoba continued your walk together, discovering all kinds of pathways. He gave you a beautiful big conch shell he found and you held onto it, deciding to keep it on your bedroom shelf forever. Soon, Vito came out after two hours. 

"Hey." Vito chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. He kissed you on the neck, leaving marks along your collarbone. You were visibly swooned and he teased you about it. He loved seeing you flustered. You and Vito swam in the water then went to go for a tan on the sand. 

A few hours later, while you were exploring the reef with Mike when he came back, he got scared. Svetlana came out and immediately took action to help you swim back. 

When you got back to shore, Svetlana kissed you on both your cheeks, since that was her favorite place to kiss you and she said, "Until then, my darling Y/N!" 

She rested on the sand with you, until she started slowly going back into the inner world. Soon, Mal came out, still feeling tense about the fear that came from the reef. 

As soon as Mal saw you, his face softened. He chuckled then leaned in, kissing you passionately on the lips. His kisses were slow, emotional and lit up the flames in your heart. He savored his lips against yours for a little longer, then let you go. 

Mal sighed, "I don't understand why these guys keep doing stupid shit when I have to clean up the mess." 

You frowned then said, "It's okay, Mal. It's no one's fault. We're safe." 

Mal nodded, then brought you closer to his chest as you watched the waves together, while waiting for Mike to come back. 

As you were waiting with Mal, you realized how much you cherished each and every one of Mike's alters with their unique personalities and traits. You loved Mike and all of them equally as individuals, and knew they all completed each other as a whole.

You smiled, then continued to watch the sunset with Mal, feeling closer than ever to every one of them. 

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