The rythm of music - Spud x metal head!reader

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Requested by: Cliffburtonteamo
Setting: A street
Spud had always had a crush on you, admiring your taste in music and the mystery that followed you. You were always engrossed in the world of music, discovering new bands and learning to play songs. Since Spud was a rocker, you had this magnetic pull that drew him in, but he wasn't sure how to approach you.

Spud noticed you sitting in a quiet corner, headphones plugged into your ears, engrossed in the sounds of an unknown metal band.

Spud approached you with a friendly smile. "Hey, Y/N! Whatcha listening to there?"

You removed your headphones and grinned at him. "Hey, Spud! Just checking out this band. They're pretty radical, but they've got a killer sound. Wanna give it a listen?"

Spud's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Sure thing. I'm always up for discovering new tunes."

You handed Spud one of the earbuds, and you both ended up sharing the musical experience. As the first notes blasted into your ears, Spud found himself instantly drawn into the captivating rhythm and electrifying guitar riffs.

Spud's head bobbed along with the music, his enthusiasm growing by the second. The energy of the song matched perfectly with his free-spirited nature, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation. "This is awesome!"

You laughed, thrilled to see Spud enjoying the music as much as you did. "Right? They have this raw intensity that just grabs you. I'm glad you like it!"

Spud blushed, as you began to bob your heads to the music together.

Little did you know, this was the start of a beautiful connection that would last a lifetime just like the rhythm of music.

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