I have my ways - Mal x trans!masc!reader

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Requested by: The_weird0kid
Setting: Your house 

You sat on the edge of their bed, a deep frown etched across your face. You felt the weight of frustration and sadness, knowing your mind was preoccupied with one particular problem: you couldn't afford a binder or top surgery, essential items that would help you feel more comfortable in your own skin.

Mal approached you with concern in his eyes. He had always been a perceptive person, attuned to the emotions of those around him. He sat down beside you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"Hey, Y/N," Mal said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "I can see that you're feeling down. Is there something bothering you?"

You sighed, turning to face Mal. "It's just... I've been feeling really dysphoric lately. I can't afford a binder right now, and it's really getting to me. I've been thinking about top surgery, but it feels so far out of reach."

Mal reached out and gently took your hand, "I'm sorry you're going through this, Y/N. It must be incredibly tough. But I want you to know that you're not alone. I'm here for you, and we'll find a way to get through this together."

You nodded, appreciating Mal's support. "I know you are, Mal, and I appreciate it more than you can imagine. It's just hard sometimes, you know? I want to feel comfortable in my own skin."

Mal nodded, his expression filled with empathy. "I understand. You deserve to feel comfortable and happy with who you are. Let's start by exploring our options. There might be resources available that can help us find affordable binders or support for your top surgery."


Mal kissed your hands, giving you a small smile. "Really. I'll even rob a bank for the money, if you let me."

You chuckled, causing Mal's heart to swell. He loved making you smile, even if it's just for a little bit. 

"I'm serious. I will rob a bank and maybe even steal a binder or bribe the doctors. Anything for that smile." Mal winked. Knowing Mal, he would actually do this. He is not afraid of anything. 

You laughed, then brought Mal into a hug. "No thanks, Mal. Let's just explore the legal options."

Mal chuckled, pulling you even closer to him, kissing the top of your head. "Fine, Y/N, but if you change your mind, just let me know. I have my ways."

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