Sure, Y/N - Justin x tsundere!reader

893 13 9

Requested by: satebrsahe
Setting: TDI 

As Justin sat near the campfire, he noticed you approaching. Justin grinned slyly, knowing your tendency to get easily irritated. He always had his eyes on you, because you were different. 

 "Hey, Y/N," Justin greeted, mischievously. "You know, you're looking quite stunning today. Even with that tough exterior, I can't help but find you intriguing."

Your face flushed with a mix of annoyance and embarrassment, as you took your seat. "Geez, Justin, cut it out already. You're just trying to mess with me, aren't you? Well, it's not going to work!"

Justin continued, giving you a playful look. "Oh, come on, Y/N. Don't pretend like you don't secretly enjoy the attention. I see that spark in your eyes whenever I'm around."

Your cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red, and you avoided his gaze. "You're so full of yourself, Justin. Don't get the wrong idea. I couldn't care less about your silly compliments." 

"Sure, Y/N." Justin chuckled, in a singsong voice. "Sure.."

Justin continued trying to sway you, with you arguing back at him with snide remarks. Little did he know, you secretly enjoyed this playful banter, but you would never admit it in a million years. 

In the middle of Justin making his flirtatious remarks, he tripped over a rock a little but quickly caught his balance. To his surprise, you managed to crack a small smile as you giggled quietly. 

"Idiot," you muttered softly, with a hint of concern. "Are you okay?" 

Justin was a little flustered by his fall, but nodded, giving you a small smile. You felt your heart fluttered and smiled back, much to his surprise. 

You sighed, then regained your composure and stopped smiling. "Good. But don't think this means anything, got it? It was just an accident and I was just asking if you were okay." 

Justin flashed a charming smile at you. "Of course, Y/N. Just an accident..But hey, accidents can sometimes lead to unexpected discoveries, right?"

You huffed, trying to hide the blossoming smile that threatened to break free. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Justin. This doesn't mean I've changed my mind about you!"

"Sure, Y/N. Sure." Justin teased, his smile never fading away. 

Total Drama scenarios [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz