Orange soda - Zee x reader

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Requested by: bbukkuz
Setting: A beach 

It was a hot day, so you and Zee spent time at the beach. After two hours of swimming and chilling in the water, you and Zee decided to take a break on the shores on top of a blanket. 

"Want some orange soda, Y/N?" Zee asked, taking out some soda. 

"Where did you get that?" You laughed, taking the soda from him. 

Zee shrugged, opening his can of soda. "I don't know, dude. I just get them."

You took a drink of the soda, then smiled at the taste. "Mmm. I like it."  You chugged the whole can, feeling even more refreshed. 

Because of how fast you chugged down the soda, to your horror, you felt a weird feeling come up your neck. Before you could stop yourself, you let out a huge burp, which was louder than you intended. 

Zee looked at you in shock, and you let out a list full of apologies, feeling completely embarrassed. Instead of being upset, Zee just laughed, chugged down his orange soda, and let out a much louder burp than you did. 

"That was awesome, Y/N!" Zee laughed, wrapping his arm around you and kissing your head. 

"Really? That was embarrassing!" You whined. 

"No it wasn't. It's natural." Zee shrugged, taking out more soda. "Want some more?"

"Sure." You smiled, taking more sips of orange soda. However, this time you tried to prevent yourself from burping like that again. 

As you and Zee cuddled under the sun and drank more soda, you smiled to yourself. He was always accepting and lighthearted, no matter how embarrassing things got. 

That was what you loved most about him. 

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