Cook books - Platonic!Noah x Owen

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Requested by: Snowysalt0106
Setting: The library

Noah and Owen decided to spend some time at the library since Owen chose the hangout last time. Noah loved literature, so he was browsing the shelves of classic novels. He pulled out a worn copy of "Pride and Prejudice" and began flipping through its pages, laughing at Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. However, Owen was browsing the cook book section.

Owen's stomach rumbled in anticipation as he imagined the sugary treats he could try to recreate. He went overboard and took way too many cookbooks from the shelf.

As the two friends continued their separate quests, Noah noticed Owen struggling with a towering stack of cookbooks in his arms. With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, Noah made his way over to help his friend.

"Noah, you're a lifesaver!" Owen exclaimed, as Noah carried some of Owen's books.

"No need to thank me, Owen. Just make sure you don't spill anything on my precious books," Noah replied.

They found a quiet corner in the library where Owen carefully balanced the stack of cookbooks on a nearby table. Noah settled into a comfortable chair, still engrossed in his novel, while Owen eagerly flipped through the pages of his chosen cookbooks, drooling over the dessert recipes.

"Man, I want brownies right now!" Owen exclaimed, eyeing the pictures.

Noah laughed, "Just don't eat the pages, big guy."

Noah occasionally looked up from his book to chuckle at Owen's reactions to the pictures. Owen would then call Noah over to show him a particularly delicious recipe or ask for his opinion on a potential dessert to try.

The librarian occasionally shot them disapproving glances for the laughter they were having, but they were to distracted to pay much attention.

"But seriously, can we get some food after this?" Owen pleaded, his love for food evident.

Noah chuckled, closing his novel. "Sure, Owen. I could use some food too."

They then went to checkout their books to borrow at the entrance then headed to the nearest restaurant.

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