Tickles - Justin x reader

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Requested by: Girls1ug

Setting: A park 

"Come on, babe! Those girls were the ones flirting with me." Justin laughed, playfully poking your side. 

You pouted, shaking your head in jealousy. You knew it wasn't Justin's fault, but sometimes you wished you both could catch a break and have time alone together. He was a famous model, but still, it always irritated you how his fans never gave him personal space.

"I know, babe, but sometimes I wish you could tell them straightforward that you're with me. It bothers me when you go along with it, you know?" 

Justin sighed, feeling his heart overflow with guilt. "I'm sorry.. I will do better next time."

You nodded, not fully believing him. You knew how much Justin loved the glamor and the praise. 

Justin noticed you were still tense, so he had an idea. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he poked your side again. 

Cracking a smile, you turned towards Justin, trying to act irritated. "Justin, stop it!"

Justin just shrugged, but this time, he poked your stomach. 

"Oh, it's on!" You laughed, climbing on top of him to tickle his stomach. 

You and Justin let out a laugh, trying to see who could tickle the other more, while rolling in the grass. You playfully kept swatting Justin's hand away, as he tried to poke your neck, but he kept finding a way to distract you by poking your stomach. You and Justin's laughter echoed throughout the park.  

After a few minutes, you lay by Justin's side in the grass, intertwining your hands with his, trying to catch your breath. Your faces were flushed with adrenaline and delight. 

You glanced over at Justin, then pecked his cheek, causing him to blush and smile over at you. You held Justin's hand tighter and whispered, "I love you, you idiot."

"I love you too, dumbass." Justin whispered, bringing his lips to yours. 

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