Breakfast in bed - Dj x trans!male reader

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Requested by: The_octopus_lord
Setting: Dj's place


You have recently started your transition, so you were exhausted and felt sick from the constant changes in your body. You were glad that you had Dj as your support, who stood by your side and helped you through the journey.

You were too exhausted to get up from bed, so you just stayed there and gradually fell asleep. After two hours, you woke up to the smell of breakfast and the bedroom was clean. 

Here you go, sweetheart! Dj said, giving you a warm smile as he closed the door behind him. He was holding a tray full of breakfast, which you sat up from the bed to take. 

 You sat up from the bed, your eyes widening in surprise as you took in the smell of the food. "Wow, this smells amazing!" You said, as you began to dig in. "This is the best breakfast I've ever had!"

"Anything for my beautiful, beautiful man. I just wanted you to relax since I know things haven't been easy."

You blushed, feeling your heart flutter. "Thanks DJ. You're the best boyfriend ever."

Dj nodded and went out of his bedroom to get his own tray of breakfast. He came back and sat beside you, as you both spent the morning  talking about everything that had happened over the past few days.

You leaned onto Dj's strong shoulder, feeling comforted and protected by his presence. "I can't thank you enough for always being here with me," You said.

Dj kissed the top of your head and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you even closer to him. "It's my duty. I'll always love and support you." he said, smiling.

You both stayed locked in those same positions for the rest of the morning, until eventually you found the energy to step out of bed. Dj was incredibly patient and supportive. You wouldn't even think about asking for anyone else.

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