Natural beauty - Crimson x reader

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Setting: Crimson's place.

Crimson stood in front of her vanity mirror, taking out her signature dark makeup to get ready for the day. Rarely has anyone seen her without her gothic appearance, and she preferred to keep it that way, since she felt more vulnerable without it. 

As she focused on her reflection, about to apply her makeup, her bedroom door swung open, and you felt your breath get hitched in your throat. She was beautiful. You have never seen Crimson without her makeup before. 

You stood by her door, admiring her natural beauty shining through, her blue eyes that did not have her usual dark red contact lenses, and her short red hair tied into a low ponytail. 

"Wow." You whispered, causing her to turn around to meet your captivated gaze. She smiled sheepishly, feeling slightly vulnerable at this moment. 

"Hey Y/N." Crimson greeted, her voice filled with warmth and uncertainty. "I didn't expect you to come in." 

Your face flushed, and you before you could stop yourself, you blurted out, "You're beautiful." 

Crimson chuckled softly, feeling a blush creep across her cheeks. "You caught me off guard. No one except my parents have seen me without makeup before, and they still rarely do."

You took another step forward, brushing your fingers on Crimson's makeupless cheeks, feeling your heart swell with affection. "Well, I like it. Goth makeup or no makeup, you're beautiful just the way you are. You've always been beautiful to me, Crimson."

A mixture of emotions washed over Crimson as she absorbed your words. She had spent years using her gothic appearance to connect to the dark, but with you, she felt she could also appreciate the light. 

With a shy smile, Crimson reached out and gently took your hand. "Thank you, Y/N," she whispered, her voice laced with gratitude. "You make me feel beautiful, inside and out."

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