Cupcake - Cody x Gwen

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Requested by: strawberrytpwk

Setting: TDWT

Gwen slumped down on the bench, deep in thought. She had recently been caught up in Duncan's love triangle with her and Courtney, which raised tension between her and the other contestants. She knew it was wrong to kiss Duncan while he was with Courtney, but she got caught up in the moment. Now, she was alone with no friends and had to face the consequences of her actions. 

Cody liked Gwen for a while, but Gwen never reciprocated those feelings. However, he was determined to try. Seeing Gwen alone on the bench upset made him upset too, so he snuck into first class to get a cupcake, one of Gwen's favorite treats.

"Hey." Cody said, causing Gwen to look up. 

"Hi Cody." Gwen replied, giving him a small smile. 

Cody held out the cupcake towards Gwen, feeling a blush spread across his cheeks. "Thought you might need some support.  I know this might not seem like much, but I'm on your side and I'm here for you."

Gwen accepted the cupcake with a wide smile. She leaned in and kissed Cody on the cheek. "Thank you, Cody."

Cody sat beside Gwen offering words of reassurance as she ranted about what's been going on. Then, they continued to talk and have meaningful conversations for the first time since they joined the show. 

As Cody and Gwen continued to talk, he felt a glimmer of hope for the first time. Gwen felt it too. 

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