Snacks - Owen x male!reader

465 9 3

Requested by: Bootyshaker9001
Setting: The store + Owen's place
Edit: sorry I was half asleep and accidentally wrote my Oc's name on it.

It was no secret that you and Owen loved snacks. Owen recently won a $100 giftcard as a bonus from shopping for so much food, that he decided to splurge on it today with you, his beloved boyfriend.

You and Owen were in for a snack filled adventure, as you and him entered the supermarket, with your eyes widening in excitement. You already knew you were going to buy lots of (favorite snack).

Owen's stomach growled, and with a mischievous grin, he turned to you. "Buddy, it's time to unleash our snack-loving spirits! Let's go all out!"

You chuckled and nodded, already thinking of the snacks you were going to get. "You got it, Owen! We're gonna snack like there's no tomorrow!"

You and Owen grabbed a shopping cart and began the quest, tossing all sorts of snacks into them. Bags of chips, cookies, candy bars, and tubs of ice cream filled your carts to the brim. You both couldn't resist trying out the snacks you've never tried before, simply because they looked delicious.

As you and Owen reached the checkout counter, the cashier looked at your overflowing carts in amusement and shock. You and Owen exchanged mischievous glances before bursting into laughter. You both knew you had gone overboard, but didn't mind one bit.

When you and Owen arrived at his house, you laid out all the snacks onto the kitchen table, excitedly taking a bunch of snacks to eat in the living room. With the snacks piled up high around you, you and Owen dug in and laughed about how fun it was to just go all out and pick your favorites in the store. Your bellies hurt, but at the moment, it was worth it.

Owen leaned over and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. "Thanks for being the best snacking partner, Y/N. Today was epic!"

You returned the embrace, with your voice filled with happiness. "No problem, Owen. I'm grateful for every moment we share. Snacking or otherwise, it's always a blast with you."

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