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I woke up at around 9am and I went up from my bed and opened the curtains, it was snowing outside. I saw the Eiffel Tower and the snow just falling from the sky and suddenly I was happy. Nothing could beat this view, I didn't care how many times I saw it, it was just as beautiful every time I saw it.

I went back into bed and I picked up my phone to FaceTime Lewis so I could talk to my little angel Ari, god I missed her so much.

As it just started ringing Lewis picked up, that was fast.

' Hi mi amor, how's Paris ' he asked. 

' Just as beautiful as always ' I said smiling.

' What did you do yesterday? ' he asked.

I saw that he was cooking as he talked to me. He was about to burn pancakes. That is next level of not chef, lucky he had me who was fixing breakfast most days.

' I met up with Chloe and we ate lunch together then we two just catched up you know then we met up with the rest of my old friend group then we went shopping and ate dinner together '

' That sounds fun, what's your plans for today? '

' I don't know all of them got like work and university so I might go by myself shopping before I meet up with Chloe for lunch '

' If your gonna go shopping take a look in your dark-blue purse ' he said smiling.

I looked at him confused as I went to look and I saw Lewis card in there, I looked at him and he laughed a bit.

' Lewis! ' I said.

' I wanted to let you use it if you would need it so I didn't tell you but I packed it down with you '

I smiled.

' Thank you '

He smiled back at me then Danny came in with Ari.

' Hi Danny ' I said.

' Oh hi Stacie! ' he said smiling.

' Hi my beautiful little Angel ' I said to Ari.

' Mama! ' She said clapping her hands.

' I miss you my Angel '

' I miss you too! '

I smiled as Danny told me everything she'd been up to since I left two days ago, she had driven her dad crazy so he apparently called Daniel for some backup. I knew he couldn't do it without me or Angela.

After talking some with them I hung up the phone, I went and was about to get ready when a pile of things caught my attention. I saw a box full of pictures of ultrasounds, small shoes and other baby things. At first I thought it was Ari's that I'd gotten when I was pregnant with her but then I looked at it more closely, these were quite new and the dates didn't match up with when I was pregnant with Ari. As I was going through the box I found a usb that I plugged into my computer, a film that I apparently had made started. I didn't take my eyes off it for a second.

As I'd watched it all I closed my computer with tears in my eyes, I got myself together, whipped away my tears and I got up and decided to get ready but the thing id just seen was stuck in my mind. Somehow I felt it was all my fault. Was that how I'd felt when I lost it?

As I'd gotten ready my eyes were all red so I put on sunglasses and I went out to meet with Chloe for lunch, as I got there she seemed to notice something was wrong but I shook it off and I kept making jokes and stuff to keep her thinking nothing had just happened. After lunch we both sat there talking a bit more.

' so I should probably head back home and you back to work ' I said smiling.

' or we could go to an art exhibition, there's one right now that I know you always wanted to go to before ' she smiled.

I thought about it for a moment, I smiled.

' Sure why not ' I laughed.

' ahh great, come on it's some bonding time for just the two of us '

Chloe hurried me off while I laughed at her, this girl knew me too well. Ever since our days as a trio with Quinn she knew me well, she knew when I was sad, not feeling ok and she definitely knew how to cheer me up. She always succeeded in cheering me up, no matter what she always made me forget everything while I was with her and just made me have fun.

As we got to the art exhibition I was looking around with Chloe on different paintings which honestly made me inspired, why didn't I do this more often. Maybe then I would have the inspiration to paint again.

' hello ladies ' I heard a voice say.

As I turned around I saw it was the girl hosting the exhibition, I turned to her smiling. Her name was Jessica and she was quite known for her amazing art she had, I was definitely a fan of her art, it was always so inspiring and beautiful in some way.

' hello, I am loving your work ' I smiled.

We shook hands.

' thank you! Do you work with art?? Or are you just an art lover '

' well, I went to art school and was about to start working with it but then I got pregnant and stuff happened ' I laughed.

' but I'm planning on getting into it soon! When I get everything in order in my life I will definitely start with art ' I added.

' Oo! That so exciting! '

We talked a bit more then she went to greet other people, i and Chloe kept looking around the art gallery. Her art was honestly amazing. It gave me so much inspiration, I took a few pictures and posted on Instagram but then Chloe had to head back to work and I to home to get ready for tonight. We said our goodbyes and I thanked Chloe for taking me to the art gallery and she just smiled at me, then I watched her walk away in the cold weather. On my way back home tho it started snowing, gosh I loved snow but I did not love when it got this cold. I just wanted to go home and get some warm chocolate, sit down and paint a bit.

Gosh I was freezing from all of the snow. But the snow meant Christmas was coming close.

Unexpected love | Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now