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Lewis pov the next day 

I woke up after the party with a headache but when I saw Stacie laying bedsides me I smiled. I didn't know why she always made me smile, but she did. 

She made me the happiest man on earth yesterday when she agreed to another child because well not only did Ari get a sibling but I didn't plan on having more children with anyone but Anastasia. She was the only woman I wanted to have as the mother of my children, I would have been happy with only Ari if she hadn't agreed to give Ari a sibling but when she agreed to it I was even happier.

I went up from bed and I started making breakfast meanwhile Stacie slept. I didn't wanna wake her because she needed her sleep and Ari was gonna be with her babysitter until tomorrow night so Anastasia could get her rest after the party and everything. I just planned on staying mostly at home nowadays but today I was actually going out with Miles, Daniel and some other of our friends and Stacie was gonna spend time with Kika and Kelly. I was planning on having a calm start to my morning with Stacie first and then go out with the guys and hang with them a while. We were going out to lunch then we were going to a basketball match all of us guys so a calm morning could definitely be a need for me. Roscoe and Coco were at my dads house so I didn't have to worry about them either. Not that I needed to worry about them because Stacie would've probably taken care of them but I didn't want her to have to do that. Today she was gonna focus on having a calm day with the girls. 

As I just got done with making breakfast I saw Stacie coming down the stairs and she smiled at me.

' Is that Lewis Hamilton making breakfast for his wife?? ' she asked laughing.

' It sure is because his wife earned it ' I said as I kissed her cheek.

She looked over at the food and then at me as if she was surprised at the fact that I could cook. I had amazing cooking skills but she never believed me. When she tried this tho she could never say that I wasn't a good chef. 

As I served her food at the table I sat opposite of her and she started eating. So did I and we talked a bit about our coming weeks who was quite hectic. 

' Your going to Paris tonight right? ' I asked.

' Yeah, will you be home before 5? ' she asked me back.

' I don't know exactly when the game ends but I will try and if I don't I will call you tonight when you have landed ' I said.

' Alright, you had a Tommy Hilfiger event or? ' 

' Yeah but thats while your in Paris so I will leave Ari to my dad or something '

' By the time I come home it is Christmas and we would spend it with your family on Christmas and mine on the day after Christmas ' She said.

' Yeah '

After we planned a bit about the coming weeks we wouldn't see each other I went up to get ready and she took the dishes as she was gonna spend the whole day at home and packing. Then she was gonna meet Kika and Kelly but she didn't need to get ready to do that. They would just hang a bit and help her pack then she was gonna get a ride by Kelly and Max to the airport. Then we would see each other around Christmas again. 

As I went down I saw Miles & Daniel there who I was gonna go with to meet the others. They were both talking to Stacie.

I went up to kiss Stacie and then we said our goodbyes and I got in the car with Miles and my other friend Daniel and we were on our way to the game to meet up with the other of our friends. 

' So something new?? ' Miles asked me as we were sitting together and our other friends were talking about something else.

' One thing yeah '

' What may that be then '

' Stacie and I are gonna try for a second baby ' I said.

He looked at me shocked.

' Congrats im gonna be uncle to another child but how did you get her to agree to that? ' Miles asked.

' It was a mutual decision we both wanted Ari to have a sibling and our parents wanted another grandchild so it was a win for everyone '

' Congrats man thats huge '

For the rest of the game I kept talking with Miles then we went to a restaurant and Stacie called me to say she was in the car on her way to the airport with Max & Kelly and I told her to stay safe and call me when she was in Paris and she agreed to do that then I went back to the dinner and when I got home I just laid down on my bed exhausted but I didn't go to sleep because I was waiting for Stacie to call me and tell me she was in Paris. 

When she did call me I could calm down and go to sleep. Finally. I didn't know why I needed her to call. me and tell me she made it to Paris safe, I didn't know why I cared but when I heard she came there safely I could calm down a lot. It was a weird feeling. 

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