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The Las Vegas Grand Prix

I was in Las Vegas without Ari for once, I'd been glued to her these past months. If I was honest she was probably tired of me being with her every second of every day, I had came clean to Lewis that Gabriel wasn't my real boyfriend and since then we'd not spoken a lot but maybe he wasn't that bad anymore.

I had also forgiven Daniel, Max and my father and we were all on good terms, well not me and Lewis. We were still quite rocky but maybe just maybe we could learn how to tolerate each other for Ari's sake. Oh and I'd dressed up Ari for Halloween which was a week ago, she was a pumpkin, the cutest pumpkin in town if I may add that. Me and her had been spending Halloween with Kelly, max and Daniel which was nice, Penelope was very careful and cared a lot about Ari which was nice to see them both build a pretty good relationship. Penelope had dressed up to be a which. So Ari was a pumpkin and Penelope was a which. Oh and Ari was already a year old, time had flown by so fast and now she was growing up and I wanted to stop it so bad. I wanted to stop this moment so I could have my baby with me forever.

' come on Stacie we have to get to the after party it's the Las Vegas after party! We can't be late '

I laughed at how excited Kika was, she was like a kid on Christmas.

' I'm coming, your like a child at Christmas '

' and your like a grandma! ' Kika answered me.

' hey! I'm only 25! Lewis is the grandpa he is 27 '

' yeah, yeah come on now! '

The Las Vegas Grand Prix had definitely been something else, I'd never experienced such good sprit at any other f1 race. Not even in Monaco. But I enjoyed every part of it, I was even in the Mercedes garage during the race with Carmen. Lewis won and now we were on our way to celebrate him, I hadn't taken Ari because it was Las Vegas and I didn't want to scare her as she was only 1 year old. But some day I would take her, plus she had it better back in London with Lewis grandparents & sister.

Later at the party i was taking yet another shot with Kika who was acting like a wild animal. She was really not holding back on the alcohol or the partying. Neither was Lewis, he was really enjoying himself with his friends, the other drivers and a whole lot of other girls. I mean he was single and he won the race so he could do whatever he wanted but somehow seeing him with those girls pissed me off. I just wanted to go up to them and tell them that he's just off limits for them but I couldn't do that, I wasn't his girlfriend and if it wasn't for Ari he wouldn't even be speaking to me anymore and neither would I. So what's the point anyway.

I was on my millionth drink it felt like and I felt everything go dizzy as I was dancing on the dance floor with Kika and I didn't remember much more of the night.

When I woke up I saw a marriage certificate on the coffee table next to me. I screamed so loud so Max, Daniel and Kika all woke up.

' what is it now, my head is hurting like hell '

' look! ' I said.

They all took a look and they were as shocked as me to see that I'd married Lewis yesterday.

' why didn't you stop me! ' I asked.

' we were as drunk as you, If not more Stacie! ' Kika said.

' fair point. '

I called Lewis a million times but that idiot didn't pick up! I was obviously panicking as I was walking back and fourth in the room trying to get a hold of Lewis.

' why don't u just get a wedding annulment ' Max asked as he laid there as hungover as ever.

' good idea Max, I don't know maybe because I have to find Lewis first! ' I said almost screaming.

' okay chill, it was just a question '

I rolled my eyes as I picked up my phone and called Lewis once again but to no luck, great! Just what I needed. Then I remembered I could call miles, he was with Lewis yesterday I remember seeing them before I blacked out. I called miles and he picked up thankfully and he said Lewis had lost his phone yesterday and he was going crazy trying to find my room. I told miles my room number and he and Lewis arrived just a few minutes later with them both looking as terrible as the rest of us.

' so we get a wedding annulment now right? '

' yeah, I mean yeah ' Lewis answered.

' ugh guys, you might wanna wait for that ' Max said.

' what do you mean! '

' come and look here on Twitter ' max showed me his phone.

' Lewis Hamilton and Anastasia Horner secret wedding in Vegas?? '

' FUCK ' I said.

' you'll have to play this out or it could cost you both quite a lot ' Daniel added.

We both looked at each other and in the end we agreed to play this out for a while until it laid down and we made up an agreement. We would play like a married couple around people that weren't max, Daniel, Kelly, Kika, Charlotte, Charles, Carlos, Isa, Rebecca and Alexandra because they were there and they know about it so we don't have to pretend in-front of them. Plus I'm a year or so when everyone started having other things to think about we could just say that things didn't work out once again and get a divorce. We'd done this before, we'll then it was a breakup and not a divorce but I told Lewis I wouldn't ask for anything in the divorce other than the custody agreement we had before this and he agreed on it. Plus during this year I'd live with Lewis in London and Monaco so I would rent out my apartment in Paris in the meantime. Just a one year rent contract and then when we'd get the divorce I could move back to my apartment in Paris.

After we'd all gotten ready a bit we got on Lewis private jet and that was fun. A lot of hungover people who were trying their best to not basically fall asleep. Then Quinn and Charles who were cuddling the whole way there, I mean they were married so they had the right to but it made me feel weird seeing them cuddle. Same when I saw Isa and Carlos cuddling as well.

Anywho when we landed down in Monaco we all went our separate ways, me and Lewis to pick up Ari, Quinn & Charles to pick up their kids, Isa & Carlos were staying on the flight to get to Madrid where they were gonna pick up their son. Yeah they had a son no one knew about, that I only got to know about recently, Pierre & Kika were staying to make it back to France, Charlotte and her new boyfriend were also going to France. Max, Danny, Heidi and Kelly were all going to their homes but we would fly with them to the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.

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