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After a while of just sitting in the Red Bull garage drawing as I listened to music my father came up to me.

' you and max are going official about your relationship in two hours meet me outside of the garage by then '

Before I could open my mouth he was gone again.

' he was so annoying! '

He didn't even ask me if I wanted to do this shit he just expected me to go along with it, like he thought I was gonna get in a relationship with someone I don't even know. Someone who I don't even love for that matter as well, I needed a way out of this somehow.

I just went outside to the paddock to get fresh air because I couldn't stand to just sit there anymore it was nerve wracking.

It was then that I got the idea, I headed as fast as I could to the Mercedes garage.

The second I entered the Mercedes garage people seemed to be so shocked, like I ever supported any team in this sport. I barely followed it well I only watched it sometimes, that was mostly the races as well. However I found bono after a little while of looking.

' hey Anastasia! Your back '

' yeah hi bono, I am kinda in a rush where is Lewis? '

' oh he is in his drivers room '

' okay thanks bono, it was nice to see you again! '
I said as I hurried to his drivers room.

I wasn't gonna lie felt weird to be in the Mercedes garage, I'd often just been in the Red Bull garage, eventually some other teams garages with my father but never in the Mercedes one. Well that was maybe because my father hated Mercedes, he often swore by that he hated Toto as well but I could see their little bromance going on there. He could deny it however much he wanted but I was forever gonna be convinced that they had their bromance going on it was only a matter of time until they said that they loved each other I knew it, I just did and no one could convince me otherwise. When I got to lewis driver room, I hesitated thinking about what I was about to do once more but then I finally knocked on the door.

' come in Angela! ' I heard Lewis voice say.

As I stepped in I saw he was busy doing his own stuff then he saw me.

' oh sorry your not Angela, hey Anastasia '

' hey asshole I need a favor from you ' I said as I sat down on his couch scanning his room.

' what flavor could that be? '

' well before you say no, i can give you one favor or two in return after '

' your making me nervous idiot what is the favor '

' I need you to fake date me for a year or so '

' WHAT ' he screamed out loud.

' please scream louder ' I said rolling my eyes.

' do you hear yourself? You sound even more insane than you usually do '

' I need my dad to get off my back about dating max, this is the perfect idea plus he hates your team this would make him mad which is what I'm trying to do '

' you know most daughters doesn't try to make their dad mad as fast as he makes them mad '

' well I'm not most daughters, so are you in? '

He looked at me with a ' absolutely not ' look.

' please I wouldn't be asking you if it wasn't something important idiot '

' fine! But then you'll have to give me two favors in return after our deal is done ' Lewis answered.

' okay yes! Thank youuuu '

I knew it sounded crazy but this would not only get my dad off my back about it but it would also piss my dad off. Plus in a year we could just say we split up because we were both busy because I would be in my last year of art school and he would probably be even busier with his carrier.

It was the perfect deal, well at least for me but he agreed to do it, plus he would get two favors from me in return after so it was fair for both.

— — — —

Later as it was time for media stuff I held Lewis hand as we both walked out of the Mercedes garage.

We both knew we were just pretending for everyone else to believe it, none of this was real well I thought so at least.

Just as we walked there I saw people looking shocked that Christian Horner's daughter was holding hands with Lewis Hamilton. The irony was funny to me, although I smiled when I saw my father looking angrily at us.

My father looked honestly like he was about to explode and somehow that looked funny.

Just to make him even more annoyed as me and Lewis stopped to talk to Seb I kissed him. For a minute he looked shocked but then I discreetly showed him my father was staring at us and he laughed. I had to say seeing my father look that pissed made me smile, he just couldn't accept his daughter wasn't like him he also couldn't accept I didn't want the same things like he did for me. He was always the one to make me angry and shocked now it was my time, plus he couldn't really say anything I was old enough to make my own decisions it was just him who didn't think I was old enough. In his head he still thought I was 5 years old but I didn't even try to argue with him as I knew it was point less because he didn't give up and I didn't give up either so instead getting revenge like this was much more satisfying, well for me it was at least. Then for him it was probably hell but on the other side he brought it onto himself, it would've been cool with him if he didn't try to force me into dating his driver.

As me and Lewis stood there listening to when the Ferrari boys were talking I had my head on Lewis shoulder as I had my arms wrapped around his arm. I could see my father clearly still annoyed at seeing his daughter on Lewis Hamilton's arm.

His anger was my happiness as I used to say, I loved my father from time to time but we both had this problem with getting angry at each other quite easily. Honestly I would say I got it all from him, he would say he wasn't like that and I got that behavior from high school but he was just lying to himself as usual. Although after a little while Toto came up to me and lewis and congratulated us, then he welcomed me to the Mercedes family. I just laughed as I saw my father got annoyed hearing that, to be fair tho he got annoyed at everything anyone said.

Well unless it was his dear drivers then he couldn't get mad. The irony that he couldn't get mad at his lovely drivers but he could get mad at his daughter, I just found it more funny than anything else.

' I'll go to talk to my angry father, I'll look for you later ' I said as I kissed Lewis just so my father would see before walking to my father.

His face grew even more angrier which made me roll my eyes at him, I was maybe enjoying this a little tooo much just a little.Was fake dating my ex who no one knew was my ex probably a bad idea?? Yeah but then again I mean it can't be worse than having to date max, I mean max !! I had known that dude for way to long to just date him all of a sudden because my dad wanted that so yeah. The answer was yeah.

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