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I landed in Paris and I went to my apartment first thing and left my stuff before I went to meet up with my friend Chloe who I hadn't seen since me and Quinn used to be close which was quite a while ago before she married Charles, I decided to walk to the destination as it was only a 15 minute walk from my apartment here in Paris.

I hadn't been here in Paris since before I gave birth to Ari and I didn't know why I hadn't sold my apartment, maybe because I was thinking about moving back here with Ari and my hopefully my other child who we were still trying for after me and Lewis divorced. Daniel had offered me to move in with him when me and Lewis would divorce later on, he did so because he didn't live with Heidi yet and he thought I might've wanted help but I had said no to moving in with him. I didn't want to be a burden to anyone, sure I could move back in with my dad but I didn't wanna do that. I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I had graduated from Art school so I had finished college but what did I want to do now? I thought about it from time to time. I wanted to be an Artist but I had so much with everything that had happened and It was no point to start with it now when me and Lewis were gonna try for a son before we were gonna divorce. Maybe after I had given birth and divorced I could start on some kind of future for myself.

I didn't just wanna be a stay at home mom because sure my dad had offered to pay for me before so I wouldn't have to work when I had Ari, he Saif if I wanted to back then that I could be a stay at home mom with Ari and he would pay for me. I think he would agree if I asked him to do that too but I didn't want to do that, I wanted a carrier for myself someday. Maybe not right now as I was taking things slow because I am young, i'm only 26, Lewis is 29 and he has no hurry for the future either.

As I was starting to get closer to the destination I saw Chloe there and I ran up to hug her, she hugged me back and laughed.

' Anastasia! it's so nice to meet you again ' she said smiling.

' I have missed you so much Chloe, you can't imagine '

' I missed you too, but I heard you have been busy since we last saw each other ' she laughed.

' If you only knew half of it ' I said laughing.

We both decided to go to a restaurant to eat lunch because I was starving at this point, we ate some lovely food which I had forgotten how much I missed. We went on a walk around Paris and the Eiffel Tower just catching up on each others lives. She had graduated from fashion school and went on to work in fashion and she had even got herself a boyfriend which she'd moved in with. I told her about everything and I even told her about me and Lewis fake relationship and how I'd lost my memory but gotten it back, I told her about Ari and showed her pictures of Ari, I told her about me and Lewis drunk wedding in Vegas and how we stayed together so we wouldn't get hate and so we could divorce in peace later on, I told her how me and Lewis were gonna try for a second baby so Ari would have a sibling for when we divorce so she wouldn't go through having divorced parents all alone.

We were sitting in a spot who had view of the Eiffel Tower and as I was telling her stuff I completely broke down because I hadn't realised how much I needed to talk about this all with someone who hadn't been there for it all.

Chloe hugged me. She spoke.

' I am so proud of you Stacie and I will always be. Even if your dad isn't always know what I am so proud of you and the woman you have become, I am sure your an amazing mom as well and I know how badly you wanted to be a mom before and I am so happy your finally able to be one to what sounds like an amazing little girl '

' Thank you Chloe, i'm also proud of you '

We both laughed as she suggested we would go to meet her boyfriend and my old friend group who I hand't seen since before me and Lewis started fake dating. As we got to the place where the others were I saw all my old friends and when they saw me they all screamed and ran to hug me, I just laughed as I received hugs for almost 10 minutes from all of them. I met Chloe's boyfriend as well, he was so nice and sweet and definitely loved her lots which I loved. Then we all went around Paris to different stores, cafes and then before we knew it, it was already night and we all decided to go a restaurant to eat and then we were gonna go around a few different stores again just because some of my friends wanted to check some last few things then we were all going home again because some of them had university to get to tomorrow morning and others had work. Well I for sure did not have school or work tomorrow so I didn't exactly know what to do tomorrow during the day.

I was having lunch with Chloe though tomorrow, then I had plans for after school and work stuff with everyone. It was just the question what I was gonna do during the day all alone. Maybe I would go on a shopping spree. Again. Like I didn't do that just now, but I had to bring back things for Ari and I deserved some shopping as well so it was okay.

' What does Quinn do these days ' My friend Alexandra asked.

' Oh she's still modelling sometimes but she's mostly a stay at home mom, she goes with Charles to almost every race and she has 3 children now I think it was ' I answered as I took a bite of my food.

' Oh I don't hear from her anymore, I tried texting her but maybe she changed number or something '

' Yeah, I don't know about that but it could be ' I answered.

For the rest of the night we just sat eating and then we went shopping a bit more and then I went home and fell on my bed the first thing I did when I had taken off my makeup and put on pjs, I fell asleep before I could call Ari and Lewis but I could do that tomorrow morning instead.

Goodnight Paris.

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