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I woke up feeling very tired but I knew I couldn't sleep again, I had to get ready, so I could head to the track.

Lewis was already at the track preparing for the race with Valtteri and Toto so I decided to text Heidi and ask if she was still at the hotel, if she was I could always go with her otherwise I would just go by myself.

As I'd gotten ready and gotten my dress on together with jewelry, Lewis shoes and some sun glasses I'd stolen from my sister some months ago I checked my phone and saw Heidi agreed to meet me as she'd not gone to the track yet. I texted her to meet me in the lobby in 5 then I put my phone down sprayed some perfume on, got my bag, checked so I had everything with me, put on a watch and then I was on my way down to the lobby to meet Heidi.

However as I waited for the elevator a guy with brown hair came and stood besides me, he seemed somehow familiar in one way I couldn't describe him.

As we got In the elevator I clicked for the lobby and somehow accidentally dropped my paddock pass but the nice guy picked it up.

' here you go ' he said.

' thanks, what's your name? '

' Nathan, yours? '

' Anastasia!, nice to meet you Nathan '

' nice to meet you too Anastasia! '

As I was about to say something the doors opened and I saw Heidi waiting for me so I excused myself.

' it was so nice talking but I've gotta go my friend is waiting for me! ' I said smiling at him as I rushed to Heidi.

He was kind and somehow very familiar I felt like I knew him from somewhere, like I'd seen him multiple times but I couldn't figure out where or when I had seen him. Maybe it was just someone who looked very much alike him I'd met or he was just one of those people who had a face you thought you recognized but you hadn't really ever met them before.

' hi, sorry I'm a little late the elevator was crazy busy '

' it's fine, come on let's go! ' Heidi answered as she smiled.

We started walking towards the car but I looked back and saw Nathan talking to some guy in the lobby, I didn't see which guy because soon enough I had to hop into the car. I didn't know why but Nathan made me curious, in some way he made me think about it.

' have you met Kelly? ' Heidi asked as we sat in the car.

' who's that? '

' max's new girlfriend, she was at the paddock yesterday '

' oh right he mentioned he'd gotten a girlfriend, uh I actually haven't I was busy yesterday with my own stuff it's been stressful lately but I hope I'll see her today ' I said.

However as we got to the paddock we both started walking towards the Red Bull garage I was gonna say hi to my father and Heidi was gonna go to Daniel to be with him a little bit, I was honestly also hoping on getting to see Kelly as she seemed nice from what Heidi had told me about her from the times she'd met her this weekend.

I was walking there with Heidi when I saw Lewis standing in the paddock talking to Seb and Valtteri so I got Heidi to quickly go with me over to them before we continued on to the Red Bull garage, she so happily agreed to it.

' hey boys ' I said as I smiled while I walked towards them.

' hey mi amor ' Lewis said kissing my head.

' hey see who's here ' Seb added.

' well, try my best how's Hanna? '

' she's great, thanks for asking '

' that's good to hear, how's Tiffany valtteri? '

' she's also good, how's your father? '

' he's okay I think ' I answered laughing.

Me and Heidi stood there a little while with the boys just talking, I stood leaning on Lewis while he held my waist.

I actually enjoyed talking to all of them and standing there with Lewis hands around my waist felt so good, I felt safe and somehow I felt good in some way I'd never felt before. Sure I didn't need anyone to be happy, I'd said that my whole life but somehow I was at my happiest when I was with Lewis which was ironic. It somehow made me want to make this relationship real and stop faking but some part of me just didn't want that because I wanted to be someone people wasn't obsessing to find out stuff about just because I was ' dating ' Lewis, although I knew stuff like that had no matter when you were in love but in fact I didn't know how it felt to be in love I'd always just had one night stands because I'd never been able to fall in love, I just didn't know how to.

However soon enough the boys had to get back to their stuff so Lewis kissed my forehead and then went to the Mercedes garage while I decided to go to the Red Bull hospitality with Heidi.

As I got inside I saw Max, Daniel, some woman and a little girl standing by some couches where Heidi usually watched the race, we went over there to say hi.

' hello Red Bull boys ' I said laughing.

' hey Anastasia ' max said as he hugged me.

' this is Kelly my new girlfriend and Penelope her daughter ' he added.

' hello Kelly, and hello little Penelope ' I said smiling as Kelly went in for a hug and I accepted it.

I talked some with Kelly and some with little Penelope before we sat down in the lounge to watch the race.

' LEWIS HAMILTON WINS THE ITALIAN GRAND PRIX ' at that moment I ran out with Kelly, Heidi and Penelope to cheer as they just crossed the finish line.

Lewis won, Max got p2, Valtteri p3 and Daniel got p4 which was a very good race. My father also seemed happy that his two drivers finished the race on good positions, also he seemed happy to see that one of his drivers was on the podium.

As Lewis for out of his car I stood there cheering for him together with Toto while my dad and Kelly was busy with my father to celebrate max, I was happy for max he did very good but oh my god how happy I got when Lewis won. It made my heart skip a beat especially hearing how his team got so happy out there, he won most races but his team got just as happy every time which made me happy as well.

After Lewis had hugged the team and stuff he came up and kissed me as I kissed him back, then he hugged Toto and went to the cooldown room. I went with Toto, Bono and Tiffany towards the podium to wait there until the boys came out.

— — — —

I and Lewis locked eye contact as he stood on the podium then he quickly looked away the second his trophy came, I was super happy for him and not only for him but also for Mercedes.

' hey champ, your in the lead of the championship again ' I said as I walked behind him.

He just laughed.

' yeah, it feels great '

' are we going to the after party tonight? ' I asked as I sat on his lap kissing him.

' hmmm, I think I know a better way to celebrate than a party ' he said as he kissed me again.

' nope, we can do that after the party they have the whole ass party because you won so we have to go! Plus I need to see my old father '

' alright, but promise I get a reward from you later '

' I promise ' I said as I kissed him again.

For another 30 minutes we sat like that and just talked about everything, we laughed and we just enjoyed having each others company before Lewis had to get back to work.

Although he was soon done and we went back to the hotel to get ready for the after party which Mercedes were hosting.

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