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I woke up and saw Lewis already sitting up as he looked worried, I sat up and patted his back.

' hey, is something wrong? ' I asked.

' we need to talk '

I got worried something was wrong, he'd never acted this weird before.

' alright, what is it?? '

' I want us to end this fake relationship now '

I looked at him with calm eyes but inside I was shattered, I didn't want to but I couldn't force him to stay with me. I was on good terms with my father again and there was really no reason for us to be together anymore.

' alright then ' I said getting out of bed and starting to pack my things.

' Anastasia you don't have to leave '

' I will ask to stay with Carlos for today and tomorrow and I'll just rebook my flight home for tomorrow instead it's fine '

' Anastasia please I can move rooms '

' no Lewis, you have willow and Kaiden which it's gonna be harder for you to move room than it's gonna be for me so really it's fine '

' what are we gonna do with those two today '

' you pick them up now from Daniel and let them be here, I'll come by and pick them up before I head to the track with them. I still promised to watch them all weekend which I will do because I keep my promises ' I said as I closed my suitcase and went out the door.

The second I got out the door and closed it tears fell down my cheeks but I just wiped them away as I was walking around there with my suitcase, feeling nothing.

I was feeling absolutely fucking nothing.

Before I knew it I found myself at Carlos door and I hesitated for a moment but then knocked, it took a good half minute before someone opened.

' hey Anastasia, what are you doing here with your suitcase ' Carlos said as he opened.

I couldn't help but cry and Carlos held me in his arms as I cried, not gonna lie it felt good to cry for once.

' Carlos I don't wanna bother but I know isa isn't with you this weekend and I really need to stay with someone just like for like sleeping today, I'll be leaving tomorrow anyway '

' of course come in ' he said as he took my suitcase and I went in.

It was 7am so I had quite a few hours before I had to leave to pick up willow and Kaiden.

' wanna tell me what happened? ' Carlos said as he gave me a glass of water.

' me and Lewis broke up ' I said.

' why?? '

I didn't answer, I actually didn't feel like talking about it, we were fake anyways so why did I care so much that we ' broke up ' it wasn't like it was real in the first place.

After a while Carlos had left for the track after a while of telling him I was gonna be fine he'd left and I started to get ready to pick up willow and Kaiden, Carlos didn't want to leave me alone at first and had the idea of me coming with him to track and that I could be in the Ferrari garage with Charlotte all day but I told him I'd be fine. I had to watch willow and Kaiden because I'd promised Lewis sister that I would, not Lewis I had promise his sister so I was gonna keep the promise I made. After I was done getting ready I closed the door and took the card to the room with me and I started walking to the elevator because Lewis room was a floor above Carlos room. Thank god for that, then I wouldn't have to run into Lewis in the corridors cause this hotel is big so I was hoping that I wouldn't have to run into him tonight either.

Unexpected love | Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now