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Anastasia's pov:

It was Friday which was free practice day, I was excited and I felt this weekend would be a very good one. Miles, Daniel and Lewis other friend Jonny had flown here yesterday to be here when their childhood best friend won his fifth world championship. I arrived with Miles & Daniel in the paddock, Lewis and Jonny had gone earlier than we had mostly because Ari was throwing a tantrum this morning so Daniel and Miles agreed to stay with me and Ari a little longer and then come with us.

Lewis mom, step mom Linda, dad, brother & sisters were flying down right now. So they would be here for qualifying & race day. I didn't mind that many people came down, I loved to spend time with Lewis' friends & family. They all welcomed me warmly, me and Miles had built quite a good friendship as well as he was at most races so we had spent a lot of time together. Ever since yesterday me and Lewis hadn't talked more about it but we were back to good again. We talked again at least. Yesterday we had been out for dinner with his friends when they had newly came and generally we had quite a good time, Ari had been happy to see she had both of her parents with her being happy.

' Where is Lewis ' Miles asked.

' I think he mentioned he would be in a meeting before free practice starts ' I answered.

' Should we go to the Red Bull garage meanwhile? ' Miles asked.

' Sure, I have to speak to my dad anyway '

We went to the Red Bull garage and Ari started clapping her hands when she saw her grandpa standing there, my dad when he saw Ari he smiled and took her in his arms. Miles said hi to all the Red Bull employees and then we were having out there in the Red Bull garage for a while before we got a message from Jonny and we decided to go meet him in the Mercedes hospitality.

' Hi Jonny ' I said hugging him.

' Hi Stacie, where's your daughter ' he asked.

Just as he said that Miles came from behind me carrying Ari on his shoulders and I laughed.

' She's there '

' I think I am her favourite uncle, am I Ariana?? '

Ari giggled and clapped her hands and Miles had a proud expression all over his face. I just laughed as I sat down and after a while Tiffany, Kika & Carmen joined us.

' Hi everyone ' Carmen said.

' Hi Carmen, how are you ' I said smiling.

' I am good, what about you? '

' I'm good thanks '

' I heard about the marriage, congratulations I would've brought a present if I knew beforehand '

I just laughed.

' That's not necessary Carmen '

' Alright then '

We all sat in the Mercedes hospitality talking a bit and then before we knew it free practice had started and we all watched it from the hospitality, I mostly did that because Ari had felt asleep so I had to so she could sleep a little and avoid being angry for the rest of the day. Kika and I kept talking about Kika's new photoshoot meanwhile the others were talking about something else. After the first free practice was over me, Kika, Kelly, Quinn, Carmen, Tiffany, Lily & Isa decided to go and eat some lunch at the same place as we all ate on yesterday. We met up and started making our way there. Today I had Ari with me, Kelly had P with her and Quinn had her children with her.

' Seeing all these children gets me to have baby fever ' Kika said.

' You won't feel like that when you have a baby who keeps you awake at night, gets angry if they don't get their nap and I could continue if you'd like ' I answered laughing.

' I feel like I would be a good mom, although I will wait a bit with children so I can get a good carrier before '

' Smart idea there, plus when you get children you will be so attached and not want to leave them so often so that would make it harder to be a model. Trust me I am talking from experience ' Kelly answered.

' Yeah, but in the meanwhile I will let it feed my baby fever '

We all just laughed.

' I love being a model but being away from my children so much is hard ' Quinn added.

' I don't know anything about being a model, but I have been away from Ari in my fair amount '

' Hey Anastasia I heard Lewis family is flying down today ' Kelly said.

' Yeah, they couldn't come earlier but they at least wanted to be here for qualifying and the race so they could be with him if he becomes a 5 time world champ '

' That's so sweet, is his niece and nephew coming too? ' Lily asked.

' Yeah, they wouldn't take a no from their mom so she agreed that they could come with them. They love their uncle Lew you know '

' I remember the first time I saw Charles with his niece it was so attractive ' Quinn said and we all laughed.

' Maybe why you have so many children ' Isa added.

After we all were done with eating we all went back to the paddock, Kika took Ari while I went to look for Lewis to tell him that me and Miles were gonna go pick up his family at the airport as his mom had called me 5 minutes ago telling me they just landed, I ran into the Mercedes garage and saw Lewis standing there with Bono with his racing suit on. As i came in Lewis hugged me and gave me a kiss, I told him that me and Miles were gonna pick up his family and get them to the hotel and he smiled and said ok as he went back to watching data and I went out to Miles and nodded at him & Kika and we all four went in the car.

As we pulled up to the airport we saw Lewis family there I went out of the car and hugged his mom & dad. They got in the car and we left them at the hotel. Then we drove back to the track and went in to watch free practice two which we did from the Mercedes hospitality.

After free practice two was done Lewis came to us and he lift up Ari and she laughed as he smiled. She was definitely a daddy's girl, however much I wanted her to be a mommy's girl she would forever be a daddy's girl she loved her dad too much to love me the same. Of course she loved me but she definitely loved her dad more. Lewis played a little with Ari before we all decided to make our way to the hotel so we could get changed and then go out for dinner with Lewis' family, Miles, Daniel, Jonny, the red bull & Ferrari boys, Pierre & finally Kika.

As we were walking out we were walking through the fan zone and I was holding Ari in the back as we walked with Kika, Isa, Heidi and Kelly.

I saw a fan with her mom who Lewis had already walked by so I went up with Ari in my arms and took the cap they wanted and went up to Lewis and made him sign it and when he did I walked back to the fan and her mom and gave them it and the little girl started crying thanking me as she asked me if she could hug me which I of course said yes to because I also started crying with her. She was so cute and sweet so I was happy to help a little.

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