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I was at the airport with Lewis, Max, Daniel and Kelly, Lewis was looking after Ari while I went to make a phone call to Mick.

' Hey baby, I was thinking we can fly down with our baby tomorrow to the race ' mick said.

I felt guilty for a second because I had still not told him that he wouldn't get to adopt Ari. He didn't even know her name yet.

' Baby I'm so sorry I'm flying with Lewis, Danny, Max and Kelly I was just calling to tell you that '

' why are you flying with Lewis? '

' it's a long story, I promise I'll tell you this weekend when we meet later but Lewis knows about his daughter and he really wants to spend as much time with her as he can so he let us fly with him on his jet '

' but I'll still get to adopt her right? '

' we'll talk about it later this weekend, I promise mick but I have to go now they're waiting for me '

I hung up after saying goodbye and went back to the others, I'd completely forgotten to call mick this past two weeks. He'd been busy in Switzerland with his family while I'd been busy in Monaco with a newborn baby. Thank god Lewis had been there the whole time, else I wouldn't have managed it.

Mick wasn't on my priority list at the moment, Ari was and she was gonna get my full attention because she was my daughter and she came before any other person.

Lewis was holding her stroller that she was laying in peacefully sleeping as we stepped onto the plane.

' I was thinking maybe we can enter the paddock together with Ari?? I really want everyone to know that she's my daughter ' Lewis said as got hesitant but nodded.

' okay, works for me ' i smiled.

The whole plane ride Lewis was playing with Ariana and giving her his full attention, I found it cute. He cared about her a lot and I could see that with how he was so happier around her, so careful and so loving. He was gonna be a really good father to her, I had no doubt about it.

As we arrived in the Netherlands we all got in the cars and drove towards the hotel, I would be sharing a hotel room with Kelly so she could help me with Ari during the nights.

— — —

' come on Anastasia we have to go now! ' Kelly yelled as she was at the door.

I put on my white dress with light blue details on and I put on a pair of sneakers and ran to Kelly and the others, as I got there I saw Lewis holding Ari while Kelly had the stroller.

' thank god you had her ' I said as Kelly laughed.

' come on now, we have to go ' Kelly said as I closed the door to our room and went with them.

At the track..

' ready?? ' Lewis said as we were about to step out of the car.

' as ready as I can ever be ' I said laughing as the chauffeur opened the door and we went out of the car to kelly and the others.

We walked there I, Ari and Lewis together with Kelly, max and Daniel close to us.

I could feel all the surprised faces stare at us, I could even see my father in shock from a distance I didn't care at the moment about him. I would be speaking to him later, although I really had no motivation to after what he'd done but Lewis incurred me to do it so Ari could have her other grandfather in her life. So for Ari's sake I would try to make amends with my father, but only for her sake. If she wasn't here I wouldn't even be looking at him, not after he had acted like that and just when we started becoming better again he decided to go and do that.

Unexpected love | Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now