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Lewis pov:

It had been a week since the trip me and Anastasia made to Barcelona, we'd gone to many art places so she could look around and she seemed to admire it which made me happy to see her happy.

I was currently in a meeting with Bono, Toto, Valtteri, Angela and some other people from the team to go over today and the rest of the weekend, it was media day so my schedule was pretty full already. Anastasia was flying down right now to Brazil and she'd land in a couple of hours, right when media day started. Honestly it was like 6am right now and we had this meeting this early because it was the only time Toto could today the rest of the day he was all busy with other meetings and interviews etc. I just wanted to sleep because 6am was definitely too early for me, I usually woke up at 8 and arrived at 10 when we usually started, but when this meeting was over I would just go back to my hotel room to chill before I had to get ready. Later as I arrived at the track I went and greeted all fans and then made my way to the Mercedes garage when I got a text from Anastasia.

' hey, I landed an hour ago I forgot to text you but I'm on my way to the track now with Kelly ' I smiled the second I saw it.

I hadn't seen Anastasia since we got back from Barcelona because I'd been too busy with the factory and she'd been busy with school and some project she'd been working on, she'd also been quite busy as she'd been with friends when she wasn't working on her project or doing other school stuff so we hadn't talked that much. Sure we'd talked like some nights but that was very short calls as we'd both had to get back to whatever we had to get done with, I went inside to talk to bono and after that I went out in the paddock where I found Daniel and Seb standing there talking so I went to them.

I heard screams suddenly coming from all of the fans when I turned around to see Anastasia arriving with Kelly in a long sleeve, floor length dress with her hair let down as she waved to all of the people screaming her name, I could see her blushing because so many people got happy to see her. God she was beautiful, I couldn't look at anyone else but her she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen and I was lucky that she even asked me to fake date her in the first place. She walked there when she noticed me standing there with Seb and Daniel so she smiled with her beautiful smile that lit up everyone's mood around her, she was just something else to every other girl I'd ever ' dated ' I mean I dated Quinn for a while but that was never like this.

' Hey, did you have a good flight ' I said as I put my hands around her waist kissing her while all of the fans watching started screaming.

I could clearly tell she was shocked as yeah we were only fake dating but we were in public and I couldn't help it, she was just too cute not to.

' I had a good flight thanks, how was the meeting this morning? ' she asked me.

' eh, it was a normal meeting ' i answered her laughing.

I stood there with my arm around her waist for a while as we talked with Seb and Daniel, unfortunately soon I was called back to meet with Valtteri as we had an interview to do so Anastasia went with Daniel to the Red Bull garage meanwhile I watched her walk away smiling. She was so beautiful and had great fashion sense as well, which I got her to let me style her a few times before. I only got happy when she let me style her because I could match her then, although her outfits when she styled herself were some of the best outfits I'd ever seen. Maybe because she was the one wearing the outfits or maybe because she had good fashion sense but honestly I just believed it was because she had good fashion sense. It had been a long media day but I was finally on my way back to the hotel with Anastasia, but before we could get away from there I had to stop and take some pictures with fans and sign some autographs.

As I looked behind me I saw that Anastasia wasn't there but when I looked around I saw that she was talking to some woman and her kids, she walked up to me.

' Lew can you go over there and take pictures with those kids and sign some autographs for them they have been looking for you all weekend plus they spent all their savings to come here and meet you ' she asked me.

For a moment I was taken aback as no girl I'd ever been with had been this nice to my fans, or to my team as well. I liked that she was always the kindest with my team and always asked them about how their families was feeling etc, she also took time to help my fans get pictures or autographs from me which I really thought was sweet of her.

' of course, let's go ' I said as her face lit up.

I could see how happy Anastasia got of seeing those kids getting to take pictures with me and getting my autograph, god she was so kind to everyone.

I thanked the kids for supporting me and then I went to the other fans so I could get back to the hotel soon to sleep, it had been a long, long media day that I was honestly happy that it was over already.

As I stood there signing some autographs and taking pictures with other fans, Anastasia ran up to me again and asked me if I could sign a hat which I did then I watched as she ran back to a fan who cried as she hugged Anastasia. God why did she have to be such an angel, she always thought of everyone else whilst having a bit of an attitude when something happened that she thought wasn't right. I liked that and more importantly I started to like her more and more, she wasn't as bad as I'd thought.

However soon I was done and I saw Anastasia taking something a fan gave her as she hugged the fan and went to me, as she came up to me she gave me a gift a fan had made for me.

I smiled as I waved to the fan and then we waved goodbye to all of the fans as we went in the car and drove back to the hotel.

Unexpected love | Lewis HamiltonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz