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Lewis pov:

I was walking in the paddock when I overheard a private conversation between Daniel and mick, I wasn't gonna listen but the moment I heard them mentioning Anastasia I couldn't help myself.

Although I didn't want to speak to her right now I still wanted to know what they were saying.

' Congratulations man! You and Anastasia will be the power couple of the paddocks when she decides to come back ' I heard Daniel say.

' Thanks! I really love her and I can't wait until she can come and watch me here '

I didn't wait around to hear what they were saying next because something in me was furious that mick and Anastasia were together. I didn't know why I felt furious, I was engaged to Nora so I shouldn't even care but why do I care so much about it??

The rest mick and Daniel said after he left:

' hey Daniel, you don't think it's too early to ask her if I can be the father to her child and like adopt it?? ' mick asked Daniel.

' no, I don't think it's too early I mean Anastasia's daughter is gonna be born any day now and I think it's sweet that you want to be the father to her daughter although it's not your daughter by blood, many people wouldn't handle this like you so I would say ask her '

' alright I will, thanks Daniel '

Back with Lewis

I walked into the Mercedes garage where Nora was waiting for me with Anastasia's sister.

' hello babe ' she said as she kissed my cheek.

God that reminded me of Anastasia

' hey babe, what are you two doing?? ' I asked.

' picking out my wedding dress '

I smiled.

' we're getting married in like a year and a half are you already looking into dresses? '

' yes, it's never too late for that baby '

I just laughed as I said goodbye to them and went to my drivers room to change clothes, Angela came in and handed me some stuff I would need for the interviews today and then she went to do something else while I changed.

I looked out at mick who greeted max, gosh suddenly he was best friends with Max & Daniel just because he dated Anastasia.

I just ignored it and went back to doing my stuff so I would get ready before the race.

As we stood outside before the national anthem I could see Daniel and Mick laughing, god what was all that about? But why did I care in the first place about it, I don't know honestly. Something was going on with me since I heard them talk and I don't even know what it is.

After the national anthem I decided to go up to Daniel before we had to get in our cars.

' hey Daniel ' I said as I catched up with him.

' Oh hey Lewis, what's up? ' he said back to me.

' I was just wondering how is she?? '

' why don't you ask her that yourself '

I stopped him.

' Daniel please, just tell me how she's doing '

' She's had it though recently, but she'll get better with time. She's still not speaking to her father since the thing he did and she's still hurt by what happened between you two but she'll be okay, me and max are there for her as much as we can '

I was quiet for a moment. Why did I want to be there with her so bad right now?

' is she in Paris or here right now? ' I asked myself.

He looked at me and I pleaded with him to just tell me so I knew if I maybe would fly out to Paris of if she was here.

' fine! But if someone asks you, you did not hear this from me. Alright?? '

' got it '

' she's in neither '

' what do you mean she's in neither? '

' she's in Monaco and she will be living there for a little over a year but I can't tell you where she's staying because I've already said too much '

' why isn't she in Paris?? Don't tell me she dropped out of her art school, she loved that place '

' no, she didn't drop out she will be doing online school for a little while '

' why?? '

' I can't tell you anything more Lewis, why don't you ask her if you want the answers so bad '

Before I could say another word Daniel was already gone, he had disappeared into his garage while I was left there going to my garage with a million questions in my mind. Why did she leave Paris? She loved that place. But I couldn't think about it anymore because I had to get in my car so we could start making our way to the start grid, however the questions still raised through my mind. However much I tried to forget it I just couldn't.

In the race I got besides mick after my pit stop and I just somehow ' accidentally ' drove into him causing him to get damage on his front wing.

I got a 5 second penalty which would mean if I ended up p1 with 3 seconds to the person in p2 I would go down to p2 but honestly that wasn't that bad, I could just try and build up that gap when I'd get to p1 eventually.

— — —

After the race...

I went out of my car and as I said I'd built up a 6 second gap between me and Daniel who was in p2 so I kept the p1 place, as I got on the podium I saw that Nora wasn't anywhere to be found.

Just like always when I was on the podium

It made me appreciate the effort Anastasia had always put into supporting me, she used to always be by the podium watching as I stood there and she'd often be very happy about what I did as well. Nora just kind of ignored it, she didn't even care for most part.

But I knew it was too late now, I'd never be able to be with Anastasia however much I desperately wanted to.

That's why I proposed to Nora in the first place, because I couldn't be with Anastasia.

Then it was better to make Anastasia hate me more than for her to suffer more because of me, she had Mick and as I'd thought she would heal and with time become better without me in her life.

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