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Lewis pov:

I arrived at track with Ari and Angela as usual, these past months Anastasia had been bidding from everyone and that meant even her daughter unfortunately. I knew she could spin out from time to time but this time her daughter started missing her, she couldn't continue like this but yet I still let her. Why?? Not even I know why I kept letting her run from it. Maybe because I cared too much, maybe because I was scared she'd break again.

Suddenly i saw Quinn approaching me, I smiled at her as she came up to the three of us, me, Ari and Angela.

' hi Lew ' she said as she hugged me.

' hi Quinn, how are you feeling? '

' good, you?? '

' I'm good, I'm just looking after my daughter '

' I heard about her, hi little one where's your mom?? ' she asked.

' somewhere with her new boyfriend ' I sighed.

' listen Lewis, I've known her since she was little she loves to escape because that's how she knows to avoid her problems. She's always been outshined by her siblings and never gotten attention as a child, but if you let her escape she's just gonna do it even more but if you don't let her and your by her side and show her your not against her she will eventually trust you more and open up to you '

' I'm trying but she keeps pushing me away '

' yeah but Lewis that is how she is! She's done that to me in the past too, her parents did that to her as a child so she's just gotten used to pushing people away that's why you have to earn her trust. When she found out about us I know she was heartbroken because she thought she'd lost you forever but when she heard we'd split ways Lewis she was so happy. She didn't admit it but she was, why did you think she chose just you to fake date when she had to date someone? Why you when she could go to anyone?? Have you ever thought about that Lewis, how her that you care, show her that she can't get rid of you how hard she even tries '

' thank you Quinn, it was very nice to see you again it was so long ago since last time '

We said our goodbyes and I continued to my garage, I did some work then I saw Kika, Carmen and Stacie coming my way and Anastasia was just rolling her eyes while Kika and Carmen were both laughing.

' hello to you too ' I said.

' hi Lewis, where's Ari?? ' Anastasia asked.

' with Angela ' I answered smiling.

She smiled back to me for once and then her boyfriend came over to us, I didn't take my eyes off them for even a second but I had to admit she seemed a lot happier and who was I to take that away from her?? Who am I kidding I'm Lewis Hamilton, but if I'm gonna be real this will probably only last for a few months more. I don't even think her boyfriend knows we used to be together or the fact we had a child together. But she can tell him whenever she wants, I don't mind having Ari with me everywhere I go. She's my biggest supporter, she's even gotten to be with me, Daniel and max a few times while we had our press conferences.

Max and Daniel have been the best godfathers to her, watching her when i and Angela couldn't and when the nanny I hired couldn't either. And Christian has been the biggest help out of them all, he's been a wonderful grandfather to Ari, he's been watching her during races when Angela couldn't and the nanny wasn't with us that weekend or just because he wanted to be with her. They've all been showing her off a lot as well, the whole Red Bull garage at this point let's her crawl wherever she wants. Oh my god did I mention she started crawling before. I loved being a dad, although I'm only 27 at this point I am loving it so much. She's honestly one of the best things that has ever happened to me, she's my whole world and healed a part of me. I think Christian, Danny and Max also needed her more than they will admit, they've also been a lot happier with her here.

Anastasia's pov:

I walked to Angela and she handed me Ari.

' hi my beautiful girl, I've missed u so much '

' she's been crawling a lot recently ' Angela said laughing.

' I heard from Charles, makes me happy she's been developing '

Angela and I talked some more before she went away to do some work before the race. Lewis had fixed someone to give Gabriel a tour of the whole paddock so I could sneak away and spend some time with Ari, I hadn't told Gabriel about Ari yet because although he was a big f1 fan he didn't follow what happened outside the race and qualifying. Which he usually used to watch from his tv and switch channel after qualifying or the race ended. So he didn't know I used to be together with Lewis before or the fact I had a child WITH Lewis. I had no intention of telling him just yet anyway, although it was getting hard as I wanted to spend more time with Ari without him knowing she exists. I was dying having to be away from her even when I was back, I'd been away for a while but after this weekend Gabriel was going back to France for his work so I could spend all my time with Ari. We probably wouldn't see each other ever again, but it was nice to have someone who had helped me have a distraction from my normal life.

Don't get me wrong I didn't use Gabriel that way but we both agreed it would just be a hook up and then I invited him to come to the race with me this weekend as a final goodbye.

I wasn't gonna tell anyone else that we weren't really together, I would just pretend we would do long distance and then broke up after a few months because it didn't work. Simple as that, right?? Well I surely hoped so, but either way I wouldn't leave Ari's side for even more than a day ever again. I had missed her way too much for that, i maybe had missed Lewis and the feeling of having him close. I had started to get back my memory after he told me everything, I remembered our times before, I remembered what my father had done, I remembered everything. But I couldn't admit that, I just could not admit it.

Was I really so wrong for wanting to heal??

I was planning on talking with Lewis, Max, my father and Daniel but not right now. Not this weekend, I wasn't ready and I was sure as hell not ready to do anything yet. But I would have to sometime, I knew that and I knew I couldn't hide and escape from it forever because that wouldn't solve shit but just not yet.

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