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A few months later..

I walked the streets of Italy after I'd been grocery shopping, I'd honestly just gone to the local flee market and gotten some fresh food there.

I was way too tired to take the car to the store plus if you had a market this close to you, you would use it as well, it's much easier to just walk there than to take the car all of the time. I was only doing this because kenji was coming home from the recent race, he'd been there for me during rehab and then asked me to be his girlfriend while I was still in rehab.

I obviously said yes mostly because I needed to move on, which was honestly something my therapist there at the rehab told me to do, maybe it was for the better this way anyway.

Well not long after I'd gotten out of rehab he'd asked me to move in with him in Italy, which quite honestly I was reluctant at first but when my brother and dad encouraged me to I did say yes in the end. But living with Kenji felt like being a stay at home wife, I hated that life. I had to ask Kenji if I could go out even if I was just going grocery shopping, he didn't allow me to find something to do because he didn't want me to stress, I'd even done online school because he and my father didn't want me to go to Paris. But he didn't realize that only made me even more bored, I needed something to do, not only to distract myself from well myself but to not go absolutely insane again.

' hey babe! I'm home ' kenji yelled as I heard he placed his keys on the drawer in the hallway.

I got up from the couch and walked to the hallway where he stood taking off his jacket.

' hey, how was the race weekend?? '

' normal, you know much working but got to enjoy some of the beautiful city ' he said as he kissed my cheek and went towards the kitchen.

' that's good, well I've made us some food '

' that looks delicious, I'm absolutely starving because I didn't eat on the plane '

We sat down at the table and talked some whilst we ate the food, it was honestly just normal talk, we talked about how his weekend had been and a little about what we'd both done while we had been apart etc..

I thought about it at first and then I hesitated but I looked at kenji and I knew I just had to ask him.

' hey uhm, is it okay if I ask something? ' I asked in a completely calm voice.

' yeah, always babe what's on your mind? '

' I was wondering if I could maybe go with you to Monaco?? '

He dropped his fork and thought for a second.

' okay fine you can come, but keep close to the Mercedes garage and only go somewhere if your going to meet Daniel, max, Carlos, Charles and your father '

' alright, that's fine ' I said smiling as he also smiled.

We sat some more at the table talking about our weekends before kenji got up and went to take a shower while I took both of our dishes and started tidying the kitchen and just cleaning the kitchen and the table.

After I was done I went to the living room and started cleaning there so it would be all clean when kenji came downstairs, he liked when every part of the house was clean when he came home so he could just relax after the weekends. I didn't mind doing it, or I at least didn't say anything about it. I mean I had somewhere to stay and I should've been grateful for that, somehow I wanted to go back to Paris but kenji still thought I'd sold that place cause I couldn't bring myself to tell him I couldn't sell that place, it meant a lot to me and I just couldn't sell it when I didn't even know it this relationship would be turning into something like marriage etc.

Anywho when I was done cleaning he came downstairs and he kissed my cheek as he got on the couch and went on his phone, I was about to go upstairs but then he said my name.

' Anastasia, babe can you please wash my clothes and pack my bags tomorrow, we're leaving for Monaco on Wednesday '

' okay, well it's Tuesday tomorrow and I was gonna go and buy some more stuff for home but I suppose I could do that today instead! I will just have to miss the meeting with my friends but that's fine! I'll do it don't worry '

I wasn't gonna lie since I'd moved in with Kenji it felt like I was more a stay at home wife than a girl in her 20's, when I was with Lewis we were both living in our 20's going out to party's etc and now I was stuck here taking care of a man acting like his wife because that's how he liked it. Pathetic but my father wouldn't allow me to do otherwise, he thought Kenji was good and all of the time he pressed on marriage. He wanted me and Kenji to get married as fast as we possibly could. I mean did you ever care to think what I wanted?? NO YOU DID NOT.

I was still young, why was he in such a rush to get me married, I had plenty of time to do that later.

Don't get me wrong Kenji loved me and was super sweet but he treated me like I was his stay at home wife, I didn't want that life but Kenji did and there's where our paths maybe didn't cross each other. I mean he already wanted us to try for kids and we hadn't even been together for over TWO MONTHS! Two months! He was going way way too fast.

' hey babe ' kenji said as he came behind me kissing my neck.

Oh god maybe I should've enjoyed the moment but all I could think about when he did that was the times Lewis had done that, yes I should not think about Lewis. But can I help it?? No.

' what do you say we go upstairs and try and make a little baby '

' no Kenji, your moving way too fast. Try slowing down a bit, have you ever tried that? ' I said back rolling my eyes when he couldn't see.

' oh come on, I already know your the one for me, just imagine, you staying home with the kids while they grow up and I go away and work and provide for us then sometimes you and the kids could come watch the races with me and when I came home the house could look like this every time with a cooked meal by you and we eat together with our children '

I broke him off.

' I'm going out for some air, I'll be back alright? '

I didn't even wait for him to answer me because within seconds after I'd said that I was already slamming the door behind me, the moment I got outside that house I took a deep breath and counted to three.

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