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"Hyunjin-ah," Felix kept shaking me to wake up but he was whispering. I opened my arms and the room was dark, unlike the balcony. I felt like I was just awake even though I was sleeping. "Come on, baby, wake up please." He kept murmuring.

I tried to sit up on the bed as he let a soft sigh. My head wasn't hurt and no pain like I used to have, "What time is it?"

"It's 5:30. Listen, the make up staffs are outside. You need to go please before the manager tried to open your door and see me here," He tried to push me with his small body.

"Ah right, I have an early flight. It's okay, it's Chang hyung." I laid back to the bed and cover the blanket above us.

"It's not! I know it's not his voice. So I assume he will go with me instead tomorrow, I don't even know we switch managers. Come on please, hurry go outside first!" He pushed me out of the bed again and succeeding this time.

He was right. As I got closer to the door I did hear a man speaking and it wasn't Chang hyung. Felix hid his whole body under the blanket and only peeked with one eye when I looked back.

"Hyunjin-ah, you're awake!" Said the other manager. It's Kim Manager. "Take shower, I will take the outfit from your roo-"

"No, hyung. I will take it. Please don't come inside. I was painting and the room is very messy. You can literally knock the paint on the floor." I stopped him and ran inside. "Yongbok-ah, I need to tell you something."

"Is it okay, now?" He peeked again. "What is it? You need to go!"

"Listen, I met Alexander, just like you met Iris and..."

"Baby, I love you so much, I really do. You can call me later for that, okay? Please. Do your make up and leave first," He cupped my face with both of his tiny cold hands. "They can't know I'm here. It's too early to call for help from 3racha."

He's right. "Okay, stay here. Don't make a sound." I took the outfit that the staffs sent a few days ago before going out for a quick bath. I let them do the make up and anxiously looking at my room. In less than an hour, they were done and I excused myself going to the room saying I needed to take the bag because my suitcase was already in front of the door since last night.

"I'm going now," I brushed my fingers through his bed hair. He looked so fluffy and his blonde hair had grown longer than mine.

"I will see you in four days. Good luck for the fashion show, don't be nervous. You can do it. Call me if you need me or when you can, okay?" He smiled brightly that it lighted up the dark room.

"I will call as soon as I land. Kiss me?" I pouted my lips.

He giggled before he pulled my lips on his pink plumpy lips. His hand on my neck and my hand on his well defined jaw. "I love you, Hyunjin-ah. Take care."

The staffs kept explaining to me the rundown as soon as I hopped on to the car. Some sheets of what I should say were also given to me to be memorized. This was such a big invitation and I felt so honored I didn't want to mess it up, so I spent the hours on the plane to memorize answers for all the possible questions. Some additional sheets were also added on the layover between Paris and Cannes for the magazine interview. I forgot to text or call Felix and many messages arrived as soon as I turned my data on in the car that took me to the hotel.

"Baby, I just got into the car. Sorry there is so much things to remember I was a bit overwhelmed," He hummed to hear me as soon as he picked up. I was alone in the car only with the French driver so I could make the call. "Where are you?"

"I'm fitting the outfit for airport tomorrow. Were you able to eat something?" He said, almost whispering, probably because of the staffs.

"I will as soon as I arrived. I didn't get to eat anything either in the lounge. Don't forget to have dinner after you're done. Call me back later?"

He hummed again, "Yes, I'll call you later, okay?"

I ended the call and took some pictures of the sea I passed by on the way to the hotel. I ate my lunch and did some fitting for tomorrow after. He called me in the evening, but it was already night time for him.

"Hi," He put on a hair band on his wet hair. He smiled like a sunshine he is but his face looked tired. "How was the flight?"

I laid on my bed and positioned the phone so he could look at me better. "It was fine," I waved the sheets I've been practicing on. "I was still memorizing and ended up sketching you again on the paper."

He asked to see the sketch and awed by it. "Is it me sleeping? Why am I closing my eyes?"

"Yes this was you last night when you fall asleep waiting for me reading. You looked so cute."

He covered half of his face, "Ah, I miss you already." He whined cutely. "I want to fly to Cannes instead."

I wanted to squeeze the phone screen but I just changed my phone so I couldn't. "I'll be done first, I should fly to Italy." He giggled. "You'll have an early flight tomorrow right? Did you eat after the fitting?"

He nodded in tiny, "I ordered a salad and garlic bread. What did you eat?"

"Hmmm I think it was some butter sauce shrimp and oyster. It was tasty since it's fresh. Don't forget your breakfast tomorrow before the flight, okay?"

He yawned, "Alright. Good luck for tomorrow. You can do it, jagiya."

I almost dropped the new phone hearing that, "J-jagi..ya?"

He chuckled, "Well, I thought it could cheer you for tomorrow."

"You did, and you make me want to book a flight now," My feet literally were kicking the blanket. I'm happy he couldn't see it. "Go sleep now before I ditch the fashion show."

He laughed and threw his body to his bed, "Oh yeah, what did you want to tell me this morning?"

"I wanted to tell you but it will make you tired now to talk about it. I want to see your smiley face tomorrow at the airport." I had learned how to find our airport videos so I knew how to do it now. "Instead, can you help me with something?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Write as detailed as you can what you can remember from the man who killed Iris. Do it only if you have energy to do so, okay?"

He looked confused but he nodded anyway. "Is it for your dream..or..Naur, don't tell me it's for Alexander?"

"Yes, it's complicated. Just write it down somewhere and send me, Lix. I can draw it as well and you can check for me later. Please sleep now, it's late already."

"Okay, jagiya." He teased again. "Here's kisses for good luck." He pouted his lips to the camera. I could felt something in my stomach in instant. I almost screamed but I covered my face with the pillow instead.

"I want to eat you," I probably shouldn't have said it because I thought the video freezes but it was just him being stunned. "I want to...I mean...eat, bite your nose. Gosh, it's killing me to be far from you."

He was still too stunned to speak.

"Here's kisses instead," I literally kissed my phone. This is my first time doing it, I probably looked like an idiot. "Call me as soon as you land. Good night, Lixie."

Iris - HyunLixWhere stories live. Discover now