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It's been four days after the online session with Doctor Lee. I slept in my room the other night because Seungmin and Jeongin asked me to play games so we didn't sleep together that night. We had been going to the company back and forth for dance practice and some content. After that, we always chose which room we want to stay in. Tonight is his room's turn because he said he wanted to paint.

Hyunjin took a peak from behind his canvas, probably because I was too silent. We were staying in his room again as I wrote more on the journal the recent dreams. Everything became clearer but the infrequently of the dreams these days made us worried. It was funny because our goal was to stop the dreams from coming but now that it starts to happen less, we became more anxious.

"You look like Iris with the notebook," He smirked.

"And you look like Alexander behind the canvas," I replied.

He laughed, making his eyes disappeared again. "But you said I'm more handsome so I'm okay with that."

I chuckled. But that's the fact so I'm not complaining, I enjoyed seeing his proud smile instead. "So, I assume Phoebus and Marison are older than Alexander?" I asked as I continued to write more details. "I remember seeing Alexander and Marison for the first time, he was way taller."

"Yeah, but Alexander was taller than him when they grew up," Hyunjin added and I agreed. Alexander was the tallest between both Marison and Phobeus, just like Hyunjin now among eight of us. "Do you think Marison resembles someone?" He peeked from behind the canvas.

I shook my head, "Did you see something?"

"Just the vibe of him, you know. In the last dream, Alex thanked him for taking care of him and Iris. He said never mind, he thought of them as family already. I knew they grew up together but..." Hyunjin paused. "Forget it."

I didn't ask more of it as he looked frustrated and went back to his painting. "What are you thinking of Phoebus? It's kind of tragic for him as well, isn't it?"

Hyunjin sighed, "Yeah. Actually, we need to know more about him as well. I'm curious about more of his story. Also, if you're asking me my opinion, I was Alexander in the dream, so I followed his judgement. I don't understand but I trust him as well. If he's not to be trusted, I'm sure Alexander wouldn't proceed to the war."

I nodded, but actually deep in my heart I wished he wouldn't because the days for him and Iris were numbered after that. Just like Hyunjin, I sometimes could feel her feelings too. Her regret for not expressing her love towards Alexander when she died left a big hole in my chest as well. Small frown on my face was noticed by Hyunjin. "What happened, baby?" He stood up from his stool and put down his brush.

"Nothing," I shook my head. He smiled before walking to the door, "Where are you going?"

"Wash my hands so I can cuddle you. I know you're upset of something, so I want to hug you so bad but my hands are dirty," He waved his fingers. "And maybe, you want something sweet?"

"What do you have now?" I smirked.

"Well, I know you like ice cream so I stocked them before going to Busan," He answered with a teasing tone.

"And you only tell me now??? It's been more than a week!" I complained. "I want chocolate."

He laughed before running outside.


"There you go again!" Iris jumped from behind with a basket full of fruits in her arms. She looked content. "You keep appearing and disappearing as you like I began to wonder if you really are my guardian angel."

Iris - HyunLixWhere stories live. Discover now