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Felix run to the couch where he put his phone was. He scrolled something before smirking and threw his phone away back to the couch. The slow music was playing from the speaker that he brought. He put out his hand in front of me while hiding his other hand behind his back.

"Hyunjin-ah, I always dance with you as a team but I never dance WITH you," He let out a big sigh and swallowed his own saliva that made his Adam apple went up and down. "Would you like to dance with me?" He said in English.

"You're so full of surprises, Lix."

I welcomed his hand and we put our body closer. His hand on my shoulder and mine on his waist. We giggled as we tried to follow the music and stepped on each other feet couple of times before we get used to each other flow. He looked up to me and smiled. He looked so handsome and the smile on his face was a million dollar jewelry no one can have.

"Is this the first time for you doing couple dance?" He asked.

"Off stage, yeah. But I did a collaborative performance, remember?"

"Eung. I did once when I was in high school prom with my friend," He explained.

"Was she pretty?"

"Yeah. Are you jealous?" He giggled teasing me.

"No. Why should I? You're mine now," He looked surprised because of my answer. "Why, Lix? Tell me."

He looked away, "I'm blushing again and my heart beats so fast."

So did mine.

Coffee in the morning, you and the sun. There's a brown hue in your eyes. 

The lyrics of the next song didn't help with this intention in my mind either.

Ok here we go, Hyunjin. You need to do it.

"Well, I can only make it faster, Lix," I stopped the steps and lift his chin up.

Face to face, we smiled. And I finally held your hands.

"Can I kiss you?" I took his waist closer to mine.

He nodded, "I thought you'd never ask."

So, how could my day be bad? It's a day for you.

I pushed my lips into his soft pink ones. They were the softest thing my lips ever touched. He tasted like strawberries jam he put on his pancake this morning. I moved my lips to explore his, devouring them like they're only mine to keep. He put his hand on my cheek and moved it up closer to my ear made me feel a slight goosebump. He parted his lips apart letting me bite his lower lip as he let out a little moan.

We looked at each other and smiled as we tried to catch up with our breaths. I put my forehead to meet his.

"I love you, Lix," I whispered before pushing my lips to where they belong again.

We kissed passionately this time. He stepped back little by little leading us to the couch. My hands explored his neck and his collarbones. He moaned every time my fingers danced on his skin. I held his waist and he hung both of his hands behind my neck grabbing my hair as he moaned.

I pulled away from the kiss denying the desire to touch his bare skin under the T-shirt.

"I love you too. So much I can't explain it with words," He looked straight into my eyes and as he pulled my waist closer to his. "I want to kiss you again," He whispered before smacking our lips together again.

I let out a little chuckle between the kiss because this feeling right now is too much for my heart. I was so happy beyond every word humans ever created. That lasted so long until my ears start to hear some painful rings and made my head hurt. My body fell on his as I lost my balance.


Hyunjin is an artist but he is an art himself. A real masterpiece. I couldn't have imagined that I was able to have the art and claimed it as mine. He said he wanted to rested his eyes from all the paintings earlier but he's sound asleep in my hug now after I gave him the headache meds. He needed to drive us back home later and also, he didn't get many chances to take a nap since our schedules often didn't allow us to do so. They always started early and finished late.

It's been three hours since he slept and my arm was a little bit sore under his head but I ignored it so I wouldn't wake him up. His hand that was on my waist grabbed me, bringing me back from my own thoughts about what happened earlier. I couldn't ask for more beautiful moments to be our first kiss. Wait, he grabbed me a little too hard now that it started to hurt.

"Hyunjin-ah," I tried to get rid of his hand but he wasn't waking up.

"No...no..." He muttered in his sleep.

"Hyunjin-ah, you're hurting me," I tried to shake him but he started to sob just like the morning in LA.

I tried to hold the pain on my waist while he cried in his sleep. His other hand folded in a fist that was turning red. He's hurting himself as well.

"Baby wake up!" It was no use, he cried harder.

"HYUNJIN!" I tapped his cheek fast and screamed at him.

He finally opened eyes and let his hand go. He crossed both of his arms around his chest looking scared and shaking like somebody was about to hurt him. I ignored the pain that felt like burning my side and hugged him instead.

"You're awake now. You're with me. You're safe," I tried to pressed my body closer to stop him from shaking. "It was just a nightmare."

"Yongbok-ah," He called my name as he calmed down then cried while hugging me. His cry sounds painful in my ears. I knew how it felt like so I just let him use my body, my presence and all the time that he needed.

It was almost four as I watched the time and we hadn't had anything since the breakfast. I hated my stomach that ruined the moment and made him backed away.

"I'm so sorry," He got up and pushed back all the messy hair on his face. I watched his back went up and down as he tried to breathe normally. "Are you hungry? Let's head home and stopped in a restaurant. I'll look for the good ones after I cleaned the paints and-"

I stopped him with a kiss on his forehead. "I love you," I wiped the tears away from his cheeks.

"I love you," I kissed his left eye.

"I love you," And the right one.

"I love you," His cheek.

"I love you," The other cheek.

"I love you," His nose.

"I love you," His chin.

I stopped to look at him. "Are you waiting?" I teased.

"Uh huh," He pouted his lips cutely.

"I love you, Hyunjin-ah," I pecked his lips. "Feel better?"

He smiled widely, "So much better. Thank you, Yongbok-ah."

And I also felt fine to know he was okay.

I helped him with the paints after I showered. In the bathroom I saw my waist has some redness but I felt like I didn't need to let him know about it. I tried not to move a lot so I didn't feel the pain and made him notice it.

"Go wash up," I said to Hyunjin when he zipped the suitcase close. "I'll tidy the clothes. And put it on your hand," I handed the cream I got from the hotel staff. He looked so lost in his thoughts he didn't even realize somebody was knocking the door earlier when I was getting dressed.

"Okay," He took the cream and looked at me with the suitcase on his side. "I'm sorry I ruined our last moment here."

"Is this your way to make me kiss you eight times like before?" I flirted to make him less apologetic since I saw how bad he felt still. "Go shower, bad ferret."

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