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He looked better in the meeting as he sat across me. He looked very enthusiast about the filming today and also the next day. The producer decided to have two days of filming as we needed to shoot outdoor and indoor. Outdoor as a group and indoor as two teams. My team was Minho hyung, Jisung, Seungmin and me in a boxing studio. The others would be in a restaurant. 

We continued the meeting with a dinner team with the managers and staffs. I couldn't interact much with Felix but I had fun since it was a very rare heartwarming time. I didn't come by to his room and just called him briefly because I wanted him to get more sleep even though he whined to spend more time with me.

The next day, the filming started early at 6 sharp. Even though I missed him so much and he sat next to me, a manager always sat in the passenger seat when we took the van for the official schedules. I only watched him from afar and exchanged smiles when we were having our make up done also during the shooting.

We never forgot to call each other and talked about anything he wanted after the two days of filming. Sometimes he talked about his family or his photo shoot preparations with some magazines and brands. I felt so proud by his achievements as he deserved the best the world could offer. I listened to his stories while painting or watching YouTube. I also complained about wanting to visit the Louvre but we didn't have much time left in Paris. Only half a day for the last day and I was already booked by Jeongin who wanted to buy some snacks with me.

"I don't wanna go out, Hyunjin-ah," He yawned between the door frames. "But I wanna buy something hehe, can you buy it for me?"

I was mesmerized by his cuteness even though his voice was so deep, "Ok, text me the stuffs you want. Don't forget to grab some breakfast and ask the others to go downstairs with you," I said before I left.

Just like that, our time in Paris was over. 

We had two music videos to be filmed in Korea now and a short holiday after. There were meetings after meetings, shootings, more recordings not for this album but one coming out later and then, we had couple days for our own. After two weeks, calling each other every night while I painted and he played games became a routine. Sometimes we watched drama together or just talk until he fell asleep. Everything looked easy and comfortable. He made it like that.

"Where are you going, hyung?" I asked Chan hyung who were putting some clothes in the suitcase. "Are you going alone?"

"Yes, to Japan," He smiled. "Are you going somewhere?"

"To my parents house since they've been asking me to come. I want to see Kkami as well," I entered his dark neon room. "I want to take Felix on holiday after that. He has schedules, though, for some magazine. It's important for him since he'll be the cover. But I'm planning to. Just want to let you know."

He patted my shoulder, "Just be careful, yeah?"

I nodded and telling him after snacks I wanted from Japan so he could buy for me. Changbin hyung screamed from outside the door because he was hungry.

"Hey," His tired voice greeted me.

"Did you arrive? I'm eating dinner with Changbin hyung outside," I replied. "Do you want me to send you some?"

"I ate with the manager before. I'm tired so I'll wash up and play some games. It's holiday now, so it's good." He yawned between the words. "Are you going to your parents' house tomorrow?"

"Yes. Do you have schedules on Thursday and Friday?"

"Nope, don't think so."

"Well you have one with me now. I'm taking you somewhere," I bit my lips trying to reduce the nervousness. "Do you want to go on a date with me?"

"Yongbok-ah, his ears are red now!" Changbin hyung screamed in front of the microphone. I tried to get rid of him.

Felix laughed on the other side, "Sure, let's go on a date."

"Okay....wash up now, I'll call you when I'm home," I said before hanging up.


It's been almost three weeks since Paris and almost a month after LA. We had known each other for six years and everything shifted so fast these days but it was somehow relaxing. Relationships are difficult and complicated or so I thought, but being with him was the other ways around. I felt energized by his morning texts or night calls. Being together with him but not able to hug him or hold his hands were not.

It was torturing to be honest.

But he's holding my hand now in the car and my heart jumped ups and downs out of happiness.

"Where are we going?" I asked while he played with my finger. His other hand was on the steering wheel. "Gyeongpodae?" I looked at the navigation on the screen.

"I'm kidnapping you," He said while focusing on the road. He was wearing sunglasses and but I could see his eyes smiled.

I smiled too before I remembered the last dream I had in Paris. It was so scary, the man, the hall, the suffocating feeling or being kidnapped.

"Are you okay, Lix?" He looked at me because I took my hand from his grip to check my pulse.

"Yeah. I'm good," His touch on my shoulder brought me back to reality.

"Are you sure? You always check pulse on your neck when you feel nervous," He really looked worried.

"Yes. Focus on the road, please. You just started driving a while ago," I let out a little chuckle.

"Are you questioning my driving skills, Yongbok-ah? Really?" He smirked but looking serious.

We spent three hours in the car singing some songs. He was always so excited to be in the car with some good music. He looked so attractive driving and nodding his head following the beats. Just how deep can I fall for him?

When we arrived at the province, he took me to a restaurant first to eat some barbeque with all the traditional side dishes. He looked so happy but he ate sadly. It was his behavior that was very noticeable by everyone. I even saw the compilations of him eating sadly on TikTok. I hoped he doesn't know how my FYP page looked like.

The restaurant looked like a traditional pavilion with a big lake as its view. He booked a private pavilion, just to be careful like Chan hyung said. I heard good things about the area when Olympics happened couple years ago. I was happy that I was able to finally visit.

He yawned many times after eating. He looked far beyond the lake and closed his eyes. I did the same while stealing a glance at him.

"I can see you looking at me, you know?" He slid the sunglasses down and smirked. "Do you like the view or do you like me?" He pulled my arm so I could rest my head on his shoulder.

"Both," I smiled. "Thanks for taking me here."

"Yeah. I've been wanting to go here as well. I need an americano now," He yawned again. "Kkami woke me up too early this morning."

"He must've missed you so much. You didn't tell me about your visit to your parents yet."

"After coffee, when we walk on the beach," He brushed my hair gently. "I'm so full now."

"We're going to the beach?" I sat straight up right away. "Yeayyy! And where else?"

"Museum and then dinner, then..." He hesitated. "I didn't book the hotel yet because uhm... I don't know if you want one or two rooms."

I coughed as if something was in my throat.

"Maybe we can try one room? I'm not sure, what do you think?" I answered hesitantly. 

"I'll only book one room if you're ready and okay with sleeping together. I won't do anything I swear...but yeah just sleeping. If that's okay?" His ears were getting red.

"Well, I wanted to spend the night with you without phone calls, Hyunjin-ah. And it's not technically the first time we sleep on one bed."

He nodded and opened his phone right away to book a room.

"You can't change your mind, okay? I'm not gonna sleep on the couch," He brushed my hair making it messy.

I tried to get rid of his hand as my heart beating fast.

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