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I was in a balcony when I opened my eyes. It was so familiar but strange at the same time. I felt like I had been there before somewhere in the dream. I was still trying to know what was happening because I wasn't usually this lost when I dream, before I heard his voice. "Hyunjin?" He called with a very weird pronounciation.

"Alexander? Wait- how? No wonder I felt familiar to this place," I talked to myself in Korean. "You can see me?"

"Is this really you? Hyunjin?" He stood up and checked me head to toe. He was speaking in English. "I'm sorry I couldn't understand you if you speak in your language. You can speak English, right?"

Is this some kind of dreams that Felix got as well? When we were no longer Alexander and Iris but ourselves? I knew Felix has been "visiting" Iris three times now and he tried to stop Iris from coming back. So why am I here? Why did Alexander know my name when Iris didn't know Felix's?

"You...you can see me?" I tried to use the words that has been stored in my head. Living with Chan hyung and Felix for seven years, my English courses and also the fact that I'm majoring English in the online university did help me a lot.

Alexander nodded fast, "So it worked? I tried to call you and it worked!" He said excitedly with his pale face.

"You called me? How?" I was still totally lost but he seemed better than me at processing this. "Wait, how do you know me?" I knew I've been dreaming of the past, how did he see me if I was his future?

"I have been dreaming about you, a lot." He opened his hands in front of his chest to support the exaggeration. "I can finally meet you, oh my God!"

I was still too stunned and puzzled to even sit down so he asked me to join him on the chairs in his balcony. I looked at him carefully, his hair was long. Actually we looked a bit similar now with the black long hair. It was weird to see him in long hair because every time I touch my hair in the dream, his hair was always short. There was actually one time when his hair was long and it was after... "Alex, Iris..."

He nodded with so much pain in his eyes, "Yes, she's gone."

"But...but...I don't understand. Felix, he...." I always thought to myself the possibilities if someday I got to meet Alex like Felix did with Iris, things of what I have to do to prevent Iris' death, but this...why am I here when everything happened already?

"Felix met Iris before her death, right?" Alexander sighed.

"Why did you only call me now if you can see the future, Alex? We could stop it from happening, we could..."

"I never dreamed of you until she's gone, Hyunjin," He cut me mid sentence with much more pain in his eyes that they became teary now. "I know what you're thinking. I wish I could...I was so stupid, I couldn't protect her, I-" He broke down on his chair. I never saw him cry in my dream after Iris's passing since I only got one dream after the tragedy.

I kneeled in front of him to tap on his curved back, even though I wanted to cry as well. If there was someone who knew exactly what he felt. It was me. I was literally in his shoes for many many years having the same dreams where he broke down and pleaded for her to be found alive. Only to see his only love in this world laying lifeless in the forest with dried blood all over her body. Her eyes that were always full of stars were closed peacefully and she smiled all too beautifully contrary to what he felt. Having to carry your loved one and burry her with your own hands. Ain't nobody in this world want to experience it.

Iris - HyunLixWhere stories live. Discover now