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I found myself on the beach, it was windy but I didn't see any of my hair was blown by the wind. It was weird. I looked around and there were some people wearing mantles I guess they were feeling cold even though I didn't. I walked around the beach more until I heard her voice.

Iris's cheerful voice was always so significant. She spoke some words that I didn't understand before she gave me her mantle. She looked worried so I thought she wanted to keep me warm.

"I don't feel cold, you can take this back," I gave her mantle back to her.

"Oh! You speak English? I can speak English too!" She was excited before she realized something and looked at me from head to toe. "Wait, I've met you before!"

"Hi, I'm Felix," I waved and smiled.

"Are you a Roman?" She looked confused. "That's a Roman name, isn't it? But you don't dress like one."

I didn't even know if my name was a Roman name but perhaps it was in her timeline.

I didn't want to confuse her or myself because I didn't understand history of her time so much. So I decided to come up with something. "Iris, do you believe in ghost?"

She took a few steps back, "How do you know my name? And are you really.....a ghost?"

I pointed to my hair, "See how much your hair's blown by the wind? Mine doesn't. I don't feel cold either and people can't see me, only you can." I tried to show her that there was no smoke out coming of my mouth like she did out of the cold weather.

She gave a thought to what I said deeply. She was thinking for some time before she spoke, "But ghosts can't move far from where they are. Why were you in the palace and now you're here?"

"Well, I must be some kind of guardian angel for you," Great Lee Felix.

"What's that?" She looked so cute when she's confused.

"Some kind of your soul friend, I'm here to talk to you about something you can't speak to anyone else," I might be able to prevent her death this way. Right?

"Oh are you some kind of Cupid? Because I might be able to use some help." She walked closer again.

"Uhm yeah, sure?" It was weird, I was hoping I could dig some information about people who might hate her in the palace but I think she wanted to talk about Alexander instead.

"I actually have just confessed my feeling to someone but we're far apart now. He's been doing everything to make me feel loved so I was thinking perhaps I could do something for him once he's back. Do you know how, Cupid?"

I was trying to figure out the timeline of her life I was in before she spoke up again, "Please don't tell me I have to paint something because I can't. I tried already. It's his specialty, not mine."

"Well Alexander does like soccer, right?"

She gasped, "You know him?? Yes he does, oh how did you-"

I laughed to see her so surprised.

"Well now he's in a war, I'll be back before him I guess. I hope it won't take to long..." Wait-

I figured where in her timeline I was in. It means she would be killed once he came back. I tried to calm myself.

"Iris, don't go ba-"

Iris - HyunLixWhere stories live. Discover now