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"You know a new movie just came out today?" I talk to Nathan as we worked on our last project for the end of the year. We were assigned to make the solar system which had to be very realistic. I paint the planets while Nathan sets up the planets that circle around the solar system.

We both almost got into an argument because Nathan put all the planets in the incorrect order since he believed he could do it without help from being such a "genius."

"Yeah, the horror movie right?" Nathan focuses as he glues down Neptune.

"Yeah, we should go today after school with Caroline and Malcolm. I heard Malcolm finally kissed Caroline." I smile as I paint but Nathan rolls his eyes.

"Did she throw up?" I glare at Nathan and he snickers at me which made me punch his arm hardly.

"Okay class! The project is due in 3 days, remember to bring it in so we could all show the class. Have a good rest of your day!" Nathan and I get up sighing as he holds our project.

"If you drop it, I will kill you." I glare at Nathan and he rolls his eyes smiling.

We both walk out of class and towards our lockers to take out our next class books. I take our project out of Nathans arms and put it inside my locker since mines is cleaner.

Before I could even take out my geographic notebook, Nathan shuts my locker and gives me that "let's do something fun" smirk.

"Nathan, I am not skipping school just to watch a movie." I try to open my locker again but he closes it again. "Baby please! It would be so fun! Malcolm and Caroline would do it!"

Nathan tries to give me puppy dog eyes but I glare at him. "First off, Caroline would say no-"

"but if Malcolm came?" Nathan cuts me off leaving my mouth agape.

He's actually right. She would go if Malcolm went.


"Fine, fine! But you so owe me, you will do my homework tonight." I walk with Nathan as we both start looking for Malcolm. "I actually do your homework almost every other night so I actually wouldn't care."

The sass.

Nathan hits my arm playfully and I hit him back letting out little chuckles. When we spot Malcolm talking to his other friend, Nathan and I quickly rush over before he could get to class. "Malcolm come!"

I quickly pull his arm along with Nathan causing Malcolm to almost scream but Nathan quickly covers his mouth. Nathan and I both take him to the storage room almost like he's some hostage but once we got inside, we finally let him go causing him to glare at us. "What the actual fuck Nathan. I couldn't breathe you psycho!"

We both shush Malcolm and try to calm him down. "Listen Mal, we are skipping to the theaters today so we could watch the new horror movie that just came out. Please come?" I interlock my hands together and go into a begging position.

Malcolm thinks for a bit and glances at Nathan. "Caroline's coming?" Nathan groans and rolls his eyes. "Oh my God Malcolm. Would it matter or not?" I punch Nathan's arm, hardly signaling him to "stop" since that sounded disrespectful.
"Yeah Nathan, it actually would fucking matter. Why would I go watch a movie without having her by my side? Thats like going on vacation without taking your phone you dumb fuck."

I sigh and push both of their chests back. "Okay boys, let me just call Caroline so we could go okay? Nathan stop acting like a brat and Malcolm...just stop." Nathan's mouth slightly opens as Malcolm snickers since he didn't get blamed for anything.

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