"What are you doing little angel? You scared everyone." Taehyung softly told Sa-rang who just smiled at him, swinging her legs trying to touch one of Taehyung's extended hands.

Jungkook went and stood beside Taehyung,
"Baby come down now. See uncle is worried." He said and Sa-rang looked at Yoongi who had a constipated look on his face.

"But Dad, uncie annoy Rang!" Sa-rang said loudly.

Taekook looked at Yoongi just as a look of disbelief ran over his face.

"I annoyed you? I was just trying to teach you some flower names Rang." Yoongi said pointing towards the bushes filled with different flowers.

"Rang no wan to learn!" Rang said pointing an accusatory finger at Yoongi but just as she did that she swayed a bit because of losing one hand's balance sending everyone into a mini panic state.

Jungkook was startled as he squeezed Taehyung's hand. As Rang steadied herself, Taehyung looked back at Jungkook and nodded at him trying to ease him down.

"Fine Rang, uncle will not teach you, can you get down now? Dadda wants snuggles?" Taehyung softly said opening his arms to catch his daughter, she wasn't too far up, just a head or two. He could easily catch her.

Sa-rang squealed as she heard that, and started clapping her hands completely forgetting how she was using those same hands for support.

Just like that, her body rolled to the side like a pendulum and she yelled as she fell down from the branch losing all her balance.

She peeked from her tiny fingers when she didn't find anything hard hit her, only to find that her Dadda had caught her.

"Dadda. Rang missed you!" She squealed and kissed her cheeks before hugging him tightly.

Taehyung hugged her too and turned around to take her daughter away from the cursed tree, he was seriously close to having a heart attack again.

He had just turned around when he heard from behind him,



Taehyung flinched and quickly turned around only to be shocked for the nth time in his life.

The branch that Sa-rang had been sitting on was so heavy but so weakly connected to the tree that because of the fall, she pulled it from its end too, it only took a few seconds after her fall for the branch to completely fall off the tree.

Taehyung watched bewildered as Jungkook who had stopped the heavy branch mid-fall with his uninjured arm, then threw it aside.

Yoongi breathed a sigh of relief, he was on the verge of running away from there now, just wanting to go back home to his own husband.

Jungkook dusted his hand over his jeans and turned towards them,
"Come on let's go." He said taking Sa-rang into his arms with that single hand and then walking to the car.

Taehyung felt Yoongi come and stand beside him,
"Close your fucking mouth or you'll start drooling, not that you already aren't over my brother!" He scoffed and started walking behind Jungkook as well.

Taehyung came out of his shock and then yelled,

"I swear to god she's gonna have cavities! Why can't I just say no to her?" Jungkook grumbled as he stood a few steps away from the ice cream truck from where his daughter was buying ice cream.

"Tell me about it!" Taehyung said pressing his forehead over Jungkook's shoulder. One of his arms wrapped around Jungkook's waist from the side.

Jungkook caressed his hair with his uninjured hand and waited for the shopkeeper to prepare Sa-rang's ice cream.

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