༺ Unfolding All The Truth ༻

Start from the beginning

"Then why did I audition you ask?" Yoongi sighs and leans his head back, his eyes closing.

"Because it was the dying wish of my precious mother"


"Yoongi... promise me you will grow up and become a superstar. That you will show your skills and live a happy life.." Yoongi cried hysterically and grabbed his mother's hand who was on her death bed. He was trembling from fear. The fear of being left alone.

"MOM PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" Yoongi cries out loudly, his mother laughs and caresses his cheek.

"I will be always with you Yoongi... just live a happy life"

"I thought maybe by performing in front of people and showcasing my skills... I will live happily..." Yoongi's eyes once again got teary so he kept them closed. It has been so long since he last cried over his mother.

"And I was so wrong about it"

"Yoongi! What's wrong?!" Namjoon panics as he sees Yoongi run into the practice room right after the performance. His breathing was harsh, his hand trembling with sweat running down his forehead. He was feeling so weak that he had to balance himself by leaning his weight on the wall from falling down.

"Leave" Yoongi manages to let out with a shaky breath. Namjoon pauses and looks at Yoongi with concern.

"Yoongi if you're not feeling okay I can call the doc-"

"I SAID LEAVE!!" Yoongi yells and loses his balance. He fell down on the floor yet he didn't care and leaned against the wall. Namjoon furrowed his brows and continued to stare at him with concern but still slowly backed away and left.

"It happened every time... during the performance, I managed to stay calm by drowning myself in the music but as soon as it was gone... I was so... so messed up" Yoongi whispers. Jungkook was listening to this all and all he could think of was how brave and strong Yoongi was.

"Namjoon soon got used to it and left me on my own..." Jungkook internally scoffed. He couldn't have expected him to be any better.

"But I was so in love with Namjoon that everything he did seemed like a blessing to me" Yoongi slowly opened his eyes, his lashes were wet from the tears he had been holding in. He had no courage to look at Jungkook as he unfolded all his truth.

The truth about his life.

How he actually lived his life.

"Soon... I started wanting to stop performing as it only continued to bring me displeasure I didn't desire"

"But Namjoon insisted on me staying..." Yoongi looks back at Jungkook. Jungkook was staring at him but his eyes were lost. Yoongi wondered what was he thinking right now.

"He stole my first kiss" Jungkook was snatched back to his self when he heard Yoongi. He widened his eyes and looked at Yoongi even though he was already looking at him. Yoongi chuckles.

"I was so happy when he first kissed me... I thought I won... I thought maybe now was the time that I finally got to live happily but I was so wrong... Namjoon was drunk when he kissed me and he had no intentions of having me as his lover..." Yoongi sadly looks back at his slim fingers.

"Maybe I wasn't worth enough of his love..." Yoongi whispers. Jungkook grits his teeth once again feeling his hatred for Namjoon grow once again.

"And then... one day I finally lost it when he said that it was a mistake... even though I didn't have any plan on committing suicide that day... when Namjoon told me the night he kissed me was a mistake... I thought my world was crushed" He whimpers feeling like crying.

"It was enough to destroy me from inside and outside..."

"So I did it..."

"I tried to kill mys-" Yoongi was suddenly cut off from a kiss. Jungkook grabbed his neck and he kissed him hard. Yoongi's eyes widened but he smiled and slowly creeped his hand upon Jungkook's neck and deepened the kiss. When Jungkook broke the kiss he pressed his forehead against Yoongi's. One hand caresses Yoongi's cheek and the other caresses his hair.

"Collapse into me just once Hyung..." Jungkook whispers softly, his eyes teary as he looks at Yoongi whose eyes are stuck on Jungkook.

They both stared into each other's soul and they didn't even have to say words. Their eyes held so many words.

Words they both could understand.

"And I promise you will never have to fall again" Yoongi smiles and pecks Jungkook who gladly accepts it and returns it back.

"Then you have me Jungkook..." Yoongi starts catching Jungkook's attention, Yoongi's voice sounded husky and deep.

"Until every last star of the galaxy dies..." Yoongi kisses him again and then his forehead.

"You have me"

Piano and Paintings | Yoonkook | Min Yoongi | Jeon Jungkook ✔Where stories live. Discover now