Clouse: There's only one rule: no eating the merchandise. (He leaves.)

Cole: No eating the merchandise? How cruel can this place be!? (He runs to Zugu.) You're evil! (He tries to eat it, but Zugu steals it.)

Zugu: Mm, yummy.

Karlof: Don't worry. After while, not so bad. Since you new, I show you how to chop noodles. (Cole pulls on the wrong lever, dropping flour on another worker.) Not that one. (Cole pulls the right lever.) See? Chop. Now don't make trouble.

Jacob: Well, I for one don't like following rules. The minute you tell me the coast is clear, I'm busting out of here.

Karlof: Even if you get past the guards, Mr. Blind Guy, there's still the labyrinth guarded by big snake.

Jacob: My name's not Mr. Blind Guy. It's Jacob. And you may have already lost hope, but not me and not my buddy Cole here. Am I right? (He looks to his right.)

Cole: Actually, I'm on your left.

Jacob: Oh, heh. Hey, you moved on me. Heh. Sneaky ninja.

(Nya parks her D.B. Express in an alleyway.)

Wu: (On a hologram) And you say the noodle trucks disappear at night? But where do they go?

Nya: That's what we're trying to figure out. Perhaps if we follow them, they can lead me to more answers. I'll report more when we uncover more. (She hangs up.) Initiate replicate software. (She makes it so that the D.B. Express looks like the noodle trucks.) You're not the only one who can disappear.

Amethyst: Now we can hide in plain sight.

(Dareth is at Chen's Noodle House, complaining about the puffy potstickers.)

Dareth: What do you mean you discontinued the puffy potstickers? They were my favorite. Do you even know who you're dealing with?

Resturaunt Owner: Yes, Master Dareth. If you have a problem, take it up with them. (He points to the noodle trucks.)

Dareth: (He chases the trucks.) Wait! Come back! I need my puffy potsticker!

(Back on Chen's Island at night everyone sleeps in the chow house. The ninja wake up.)

Jay: Couldn't sleep either?

Coral: Nope.

Kai: Not when we still have to get Zane and Cole back.

Lloyd: Speaking of backs, these new beds are the worst. All right, let's do—(An Anacondrai Cultist bangs on a gong and the lights turn on.)

Kai: Quick, back in bed.

Clouse: Good morning, fighters. Oh, that's right, it's the middle of the night. (The Cultists put skates on the Masters.)

Lloyd: Hey, what are you doing?

Jay: Do you know what time it is?

Coral: What's the big idea?

Kai: Roller skates? Whoa, aah! (He falls, but Skylor helps him up.) Thanks.

Lloyd: Let me guess, another one of Chen's impromptu battles?

Jay: Oh, roller skates. I love roller skates!

Lloyd: We should be getting used to this by now.

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