He stops and trails off he looks down at his fingers which he is nervously moving.

I take a deep breath "Wey Ying, I know that you don't really know me but I promise you can trust me. I would never ever do anything to hurt you or put you in danger, I will always be honest with you so that you will always feel secure with me."

He looks at me as if he is looking into my soul, he eventually nods "The only time I don't wear the liquid glove solution is when I'm home in my room alone or when my-when my parents make me go to meetings or events like last night."

He looks back down at his fingers blushing.

I have to think of how to carefully word my question so that it doesn't seem like I'm blaming him "Wey Ying, do your parents use your ability to gain information about other people?"

He nods but doesn't say anything, I bite my lip and then ask another question "There were probably two hundred people there last night how do you give them information about so many people?"

He clears his throat "I have an almost perfect memory, what I learn I remember."

He gives me a panicked look "Lan Zhan I try not to use it and I don't give them everything I learn, I try to only give them enough to satisfy them. I promise I've never used it willingly to hurt anyone. Please don't turn me in to the police or anything, I don't want to be locked up and turned into a lab rat." A tear runs down his cheek.

I wipe his tears away and pull him into my arms "It's ok don't worry, I'll help you. We are being honest with each other so I want to let you know that I had my brother contact your family about a marriage proposal between us."

He sits up his mouth hanging open, he slow blinks before mumbling "Huh?"

I grin "Last night that Li Han guy said he was going to offer for you and there was no way I was going to let that happen so I had my brother offer for you first."

He coughs "Lan Zhan you don't know me why would you want to marry me?"

I smirk at him "I feel like I've always known you, besides it will keep you out of a marriage with someone willing to force themselves on you."

"I guess the question now Wey Ying is are you willing to marry me?" I cock an eyebrow at him.

He sits there for a while, I can see so many expressions cross his face then he nods "There must be something special about you since I can't read you, when I touch you it's peaceful, you have no idea what that does to help my mental stability, it's like my entire being can relax and rest."

I smile and then nod "Good it's settled then"

He shakes his head "I don't think my parents will agree, I'm their golden goose, I tell them what they need after business meetings to get what they want."

I chuckle "The Lan clan is very powerful, there isn't a family in this country who would turn down a marriage proposal from a Lan. I've told my brother to make the deal as sweet as possible so they won't want to say no. Don't worry everything will be ok now, you have me. Come let's go eat some breakfast hm?"

He nods and climbs off the bed and follows me to the kitchen "Do you like spicy food?"

He brightens "Yes, I love it, the spicier the better."

I chuckle 'Same old Wey Ying'  "Great I'll make us some spicy congee."

He beams at me "My oldest brother is the only person who has ever made that for me and it's one of my favorites, thank you."

I grin "My pleasure, I'll be done soon, have a seat and make yourself comfortable. Do you want juice or tea?"

He hums "Hmm tea please, for some reason, I've always wanted tea in the mornings, my siblings call me old-fashioned because of it."

Smiling to myself I ask "How many siblings do you have?"

He becomes animated as he talks about them "I have four, my oldest brother Yang, he practically raised me, I would never let my mother touch me, I would scream and cry when she tried so after my dad died he took over my care. Then there are the triplets, my brothers Ning and Xing and my sister Qing. Yang is nine years older than me and the triplets are five years older."

I look over at him while I stir the congee "I'm sorry about your dad."

He shrugs "It was a long time ago, how about you any siblings?"

I grin "Yes you met him a few days ago?"

He tilts his head "I did? Where?"

I laugh "At your school, my brother is Lan Xichen."

His jaw drops "Man I don't go out much and happen to meet both of you in the span of a few days, what are the odds?"

I spoon out our breakfast into bowls and place his in front of him. He smells it and hums "Mm this smells great" he takes a bite and moans "Oh my god this is incredible, the perfect amount of spice. If you hadn't asked for my hand already I might actually propose to you if I could have this every day."

I choke on my congee hearing him talk about every day. He stands up and pats my back.

"Are you ok?" He asks worried.

I put my fist over my mouth and nod while coughing a few times "Yes, sorry went down the wrong way, I'm good."

He pats my back a few more times and nods sitting down to finish his breakfast.

My phone rings and I excuse myself to take the call in another room. "Gege how did it go?"

He laughs "Well they agreed and think it's brilliant, they also think that there will be a partnership between Wey Corporation and Lan Technologies somewhere down the line."

"We are never partnering with them as long as the parents have control of the corporation," I say sternly.

"I agree, I don't trust their business practices, anyway your all set, you will need to meet with them for a formal engagement and a date set for the wedding. Let me know what I can do to help you further and I'll get it done didi."

"Thank you gege, I'll keep you informed of the details. Talk to you soon."

We hang up and I walk back towards the kitchen, I stop and stare, I can't believe I get to see this beautiful man every day of my life again.

I smile and walk over to him "Your parents have agreed to the proposal, we need to get ready and go over there, we need to make plans for the formal engagement and set a date for the wedding. I had your clothes cleaned, they should be here any time now since I don't think most of mine will fit you." I smirk at him.

He grins "No you are bigger than me so your clothes would hang on me for sure. I'm really surprised that they agreed to the marriage, I didn't think that they would ever let me go. Be careful of any type of contact they present, there are always clauses and loopholes as well as vague terms and wording which will allow them the upper hand and the ability to manipulate the situation to their advantage."

I smile "Don't worry I've been around for a while and the Lan clan have the best lawyers in the country so the only contract will be presented by the Lans." I wink at him.

He blushes and smiles shyly.

'Uh be still my heart, that shy smile gets me every time'

I put my arms on either side of him on the counter effectively trapping him. "I'm going to go take a shower, if the bell rings answer it, it's probably going to be your clothes." I lean in and kiss his nose.

I walk off and take a cold shower to calm my raging libido, once my junior is calm, I heat up the water and finish my shower. I make sure to dress impeccably because I have to make sure the in-laws are suitably impressed.

My Eternal Twin FlameWhere stories live. Discover now