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I warmly welcome everyone new to this book. The first chapters were written by me a long time ago, but I promise that the next parts are much better. If you have some time, I encourage you to read on there's a lot going on in the next parts and believe me, you don't want to miss it
Ellie 15 year old teenager who is realy into sport like her mom Maya. She is not in to studying, she is out going person, and a trubel maker. She have a twin sister Ally. Ally is Completely different from her sister by her acting, she is calm and doesn't like sports, she is a very great student she have only A on a test and she like to be alon. But both of them look almost the same. They have wavy brown hair but Ally have them shorter, they both tall and have toned skin. one thing thanks to which they could be recognized were there eyes. Elly have a right eye grean and left brown and Ally have both of them grean but one eye a slightly brighter than the other. but despite all their differences, they stuck to each other very tightly. of course there were arguments but they are each other person.

"Eliana Mason Deluca-Bishop!!! Come down stairs right now!!! Maya was screming "what happend?" Carina ask her wife with a fear, cause she never seen her that much mad. She was at parent teacher meeting, and both of thier doughter said it should be fine. Ally was helping Elly with work and test they were really helped echotcher " you will see" maya said to her wife calmly "Eliana!!"


"What did you do?" Ally said scared of how her mom screamed for her sister "I don't know" Ellie was horrified by her mother's tone especially since she had no idea what she did. She's been studying hard lately, with Ally's help, she's passed all her tests and she's been trying not to argue with anyone. "it didn't semd like natihing El" then started to hear how her mom started to screm again "pleas come with me. You are her favorite." Elly said with pleading eyes "Okey"

They went downstairs and saw Mom with folded arms "Maya calm down" Carina said to her wife who was angry. Then Maya saw Ellie. "you have something to say in your defense, and don't pretend that you don't know what's im talking about, because your math teacher told me everything. I didn't expect that I would have to be so ashamed of my own daughter" I saw tears come to Elly's eyes " your math teacher said how you treat him. when you insult him in front of the whole class, and when he catches you red-handed, you laugh in his face, or best of all, you told him that you're not surprised that his wife left him for someone else when he is like that outside of school. I and your mom raised you better Ellie and im really dysipointed in you. You're lucky I once saved his house and he didn't report it to the principal " Maya was apparently furious

Carina then went from Elly's side of arguing to Maya's side "that is true Eliana? And don't lie" carina continued speaking in a calm voice "I.. II.." Elly tried to say something but she was too scared. "I think we all need a moment to take a breath." Ally said to protect her sister. She couldn't help her if she don't know what is true. "I'll see you all downstairs in 30 minutes." Carina said traing to stay calm. She saw how terrified Elly was so she decided to stop everything for now to calm nerves.

everyone went their separate ways. and Ally and El went to one room " calmed down El. breathe with me." After a few minutes, El began to breathe normally. "Now El, tell me it wasn't true. It just has to be supported by very good evidence." Ally looked very seriously at my sister

"iii.. it's that math teachr.. He.. he said if I tell anyone .. he will do hell from my life... And he's doing it.." Elly said very quietly and scared.

For a few days Ally noticed that Elly was behaving strangely, she always told her about everything and recently she closed herself off. She didn't go out to people that much like she used to, she didn't talk much, she stayed in her room all the time. Ally thought her period had started and hormons were working on her

"tell what?" now Ally asked very worried "h..He" Elly tried to say it, but her voice was shaking badly "I.. I was at math after school cause he saw how i was not doing well at last classe's, and I really.. I wanted our moms to finally be proud of me, so that it wouldn't be like today, like every year." Elly took a very deep breath

"When I went inside, all the curtains in the classrooms were already closed and he..he locked the doors. I don't even know when.. He..."

Ally saw how hard this part was for Elly. She grabbed her hand "he started getting to me. and he said that I want it that to, case he can sents in my behavior and how i was dressing for him every day. when I told him that he must have misunderstood something and that i wanted to leave.. he.. he grabbed my ha..nds but I pulled them away, I tried.. to leave but the door was closed.. I really.. I tried.."

At this point Elly started crying very hard and ally started to realize what she meant. She hugged her and Elly just gasped out, "I really tried." and she continued to cry.


"Maya what happened?" Carina asked her stil mad wife "Carina im sorry I got so mad, it's just we taught them better. I know I should have first Listen to Elly's side, and then talk to her about why She did so" Maya said feeling a little guilty of how she was screming at her doughter. "Maya i know you had rough few calls but you van put you'r work in our home. They need to fell safe to talk to us." Carina said hugging Maya "I know my love... god I need to apologize to her.. oh god what I have done.." tears came to Maya's eyes and Carina wiped them away "I can see why you were so angry, I would have started throwing tables if I came home after such an interview with teacher" Maya and Carina laughed lightly, cause they both know carina would to that


When Elly calm down a little Ally started to speak "we need to talk to or mom's. They.." Ally didn't finish because her sister interrupted her "don't even start Ally. I can't do that. unlike you, they don't trust me. they love you more and they always side with you. they won't believe me.. Tears came to Ella's eyes again "they will help. They know you will not lied about thay stuff."Ally said knowing well that thier mom's would really helped "even if then what. they will go with me to the police to other guys who will ask me what you were wearing and whether I really wanted it or not. I gave him some signs. Ally, I just want to forget... understand that" Elly she looked like she was nervous. Ally, not wanting to cause a conflict with her sister, decided to answer "okey"

Elly took her sister's hand, "I know it sounds childish now, but I need your finger with a kiss so that you won't tell anyone what happened." Ally gave the finger with a kiss "our top secret. The same one like the vase you knok out and we said it was Pru" elly smiled slightly " oh how mad she was back then" ally smiled too " you're surprised at her. this vase cost 10,000 and they took her phone away for 3 months and she had to pay it back with her money" "yeh we had no mercy" both girls laughed lightly.

a moment later our mom's knocked on the room and a moment later they entered "can we talked now when everyone is more calm?"carina said with a little bit of smile one her face " I think" Ally ansered

"me and you'r mama talk.. and I owe you a very big apology for what I did El. I shouldn't have shouted at you like that. You know i'm not good at talking what I fell and what im going thru. But I.. we thik You should have tell me your said of the story." You could see from Maya how much she regretted what she did

"I'm sorry you need to be ashamed of me.. another time" Tears welled up in El's eyes again " hey don't say that.. don't say that bella.. we were dysipointed of your behavior. We were talking to you and you said everything is alright. And then you just stopped talk to us then when we were asking you snap and started scream at us, and now that. We just want to help bambina." Carina took Elly's hand in hers and then took Ally's in her other hand. "We love you both ecualy and you you will always be our daughter's." Elly As soon as she was hugged by her mom, she immediately tensed up. lately she has been so responsive to every touch

"You know we need to talk about it Principessa" carina said, noticing her daughter's tense state, "I know," Elly murmured in a heavy voice that was barely audible, "I really didn't do it, Mom" Elly had tears in her eyes "i know. i trust you, and you Ally, i love you both" Maya said and Carina started nodding her head in affirmation

"Ti amo" the girls said and a moment later two mothers who were tired after a whole day of work. All of them go to sleep early that day

Carina and Maya twinsWhere stories live. Discover now