Chapter 36

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Oonjai woke up rather moody and irritated. He got almost no sleep at all last night. There was the matter of him waiting for a certain someone to return, there was the worry because today was the first day of exam, and there was also the issue with Mr. Peem and how he was adamant to let him know who he was and where he came from and how involved he could be in Khun's life.

Though he had never had any expectation for this love, his treacherous heart could not help but ache and hurt when Khun's real person came back to ask for a return of what was his.

Deep inside, Oonjai wanted to just leave and forfeit, but he knew that he could not do that. He could not go anywhere as long as the one who owned his life did not chase him away. He could not go anywhere as long as he still had a duty to be responsible for. But...if one day he should no longer be of day Khun would not want him anymore, then he and his brother would just leave without asking for anything or imposing any condition.

"Why are you up so early?"

The one whose arm Oonjai had been using as a pillow asked when Oonjai began to toss and turn.

"Did Oon wake you up? Please sleep some more." 

Oonjai locked eyes with the other man as he prepared to leave the bed, but his slim frame was tugged and pulled under the strong body in response.

"I don't want to sleep anymore. I would rather do something else."

The gravelly whisper from the room owner came with a nuzzle along the frame of his face and the juncture of his neck.

The heated skin and the hoarse whisper as well as the sensuous caress began to put Oonjai under a spell, but then a scent that was mixed in with the larger man's stopped Oonjai in his tracks.

The slighter man bit his lips...this scent again....

...It was the scent of a seductive flower...the scent that bothered him so much he couldn't sleep all last night....

Oonjai did not want to accept the truth but he could not lie to himself anymore.

The scent on Khun's body could not be anyone else's but that of...Mr. Peem....

"What's wrong?" Oonjai didn't know what kind of emotion he accidentally let out to make Khun stop and ask him that question.


"If it's nothing, then why are you crying?" The slim frame was pulled into a warm embrace.

"Oonjai, what's wrong?" Thick hands cupped at the frame of that lovely face as he laid a careful kiss on the side of his eye.

"Why are you crying, little deer?"

The attentiveness and the sweetness that Khun gave to him made Oonjai almost unable to hold back his tears. The kinder the older man was, the more hurt Oonjai felt.

He was hurt that he was the one that came later...that he must hold everything in...that he was just someone secretly in love with the other man.

"Shh. Don't cry, baby." The consoling voice and warm caress made the tears slowly trickled down.

Oonjai tried to hold all his emotions in...the pain from having to suppress his true feelings, the hurt from having to put on a brave face...his bruised heart tried to press everything inside.

Tossakan knitted his brows as he looked at the one crying against his chest. Slender hands tightly bunched the hem of his shirt. He had no idea why his Oonjai was crying all of the sudden. The tears that dripped down may not be a lot but they were enough to make his heart pound with worry. Tossakan tightened his arms and slowly stroked that delicate back. He did not want to force the slighter man or make him uncomfortable...he wanted him to feel relaxed and safe. He had learned how important Oonjai's feeling was to him.

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